git primer Landon Cox January 19, 2017
What is git? “Git is a free and open source distributed version control system designed to handle everything from small to very large projects with speed and efficiency. “ (From
Why use version control? Allows concurrent development Provides code backup and archiving Keeps track of project history
Why use git for version control? Git is the industry standard Most companies use git (or something very similar) Well supported by nearly all IDEs Git is designed for concurrent development Team members can work on features independently Relies on the notion of a “branch” (snapshot + deltas) Isolate changes to a branch, integrate with rest of code when ready Git enables code review Can ask team members to review changes Iterate on branch with feedback before merging with main code line
git basics Common commands There are many, many others git clone (create local copy) git add (identify files to monitor for changes) git commit (group changes into a delta) git push (send delta to server) git pull (retrieve changes from server) There are many, many others
git in compsci290.3 Use Other functionality Your account id must be your NetID You will need to upload a public ssh key We will pull from for grading Other functionality Code review (i.e., merge requests) Access control (teammates, profs, TA)
(or how to submit Project 0) A quick walkthrough (or how to submit Project 0)