Star Students 5/1-5/5 Birthdays Daniel – August 11th Literacy This week we will continue daily practice of our sight words. Please continue to support this at home. Our book of the week is “Play Ball” and our two new sight words are: “where” and “were”. We will continue working on our special Mother’s Day surprises . We will also continue studying the human body. In Reading Workshop we continue in our Poetry Journals. We will read poems about Spring time, planting and flowers. In Writing Workshop students will continue learning about Personal Narratives. Students will begin to think about choices they have in their own personal narrative writing. They will think about a special moment, a special person, or a special keepsake. The next step will be to plan out what they will say about their topic. We will refer to our mentor texts that are a model and borrow from their style of writing. This will be a culmination of all they have learned in writing workshop. Calendar 5/12 – Kindergarten Mother’s Day Tea 8:50 5/17 - IF PTO 7:00-8:30 Library 5/18 – Animal Show 5/19 – Early Release/ 10:30 Dismissal 5/24 – Open House & PTO Book Fair 5/26 - Early Release/ 10:30 5/29 – Memorial Day/ No School Birthdays Daniel – August 11th Olivia – August 11th Math This week we will begin Module 12. The first 4 lessons in this Module will revisit addition and subtraction. Students will rewrite addition and subtraction equations using pennies. Then students will take a closer look at “one more” and “one less” than a number. We will use number lines and number racks. I will also introduce them to the “Penny, Nickel, Dime Exchange Game”. If you have older children they may have played this. The children work with a partner, roll a die and then take that may pennies out of the pile. When the pile runs out of pennies students will have to figure out how to trade for a nickel. This is a game that kids love, but it may take them a few times playing it to really understand it. This is also a game you can play over the summer. It’s great for counting, adding, and money value. Star Students 5/8 Nicky 5/9 Desi 5/10 Daniel Birthday 5/11 Olivia Birthday 5/12 Mother’s Day Tea *Star student will read a book to the class.