NFIE-Geo HMS Model: Extraction Tool Cyndi V. Castro
NHDPlusV2 Hydrologic Regions
HMS .BASIN Extraction Tool Using Python Scripts Download NFIE-Geo Clip to County Calculate Parameters HMS .BASIN Script Custom Code
Convert to Geodatabase Sink/Source/ Reservoir NFIE-Geo (HydroShare) - Subwatersheds - Catchments - Flowlines Soils Table County Land Use (NLCD 2011) Download Data - Scratch Folder Convert to Geodatabase - Coordinates Clip to County Extents - Select by intersection - Extract by mask Soils (STATSGO2) DEM (NED30, ESRI) DEM Slope - Mean % Rise Zonal statistics Append Subbasins Land Use/Soils Reclassify Union Clean Up Curve Number - Lookup Table Individual CN Composite CN Lag Time NRCS Equation length, CN, slope Muskingum k, sec to hours Time Step (celerity) Sink/Source/ Reservoir Dissolve/Intersect Artificial Path Downstream NextDownID DS2, DS3 Connectivity Geometry Attributes - Coordinates Area COMID/FEATUREID Arcpy and custom hard-coding Processing, spatial joins, define watersheds by county Write .BASIN Script - Merge Subbasin and Flowline - Loop through Search Cursor
Sinks, Sources, Reservoirs
Case Studies
Catchments Time (min) Bexar 764 8 Dallas 433 7 McLennan 508 3 Montgomery 806 4 Nacogdoches 915 Orange 541 2 Taylor 454 Travis 929 Simulation time
Hydrograph Output CN generator – can be used to alter land use
Steps Forward Create GIS Toolbox Compare to Local Models Use GIS Services Information-based instead of model-based