Inclusive land and water governance: Experiences from Mauritania and Senegal Steven Jonckheere Knowledge Management Officer 2017 World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty, World Bank, Washington DC, March 20-24 2017
Land, water and irrigation schemes Water rights Right to abstract water Water delivery rights Land tenure Creation of irrigation schemes Security enjoyed by farmers on irrigated plots Land transactions fostered by the increased land values
Senegal River Basin Guinea, Mali, Mauritania & Senegal Key resource Organisation pour la Mise en Valeur du fleuve Sénégal (OMVS) Mobilizing water resources to achieve development objectives Land conflicts
Learning route IFAD, PROCASUR and IPAR A planned journey with specific learning objectives, which encourages an active and mutual knowledge exchange between participants and their hosts Identification of potentially useful innovations that can be adapted and then applied back home 6-16 March 2017 32 participants from 15 countries 3 host cases in Senegal & Mauritania
Mauritania – Land agreement Context IFAD-supported PACDM Tenure insecurity in Walo lands Approach Preparatory phase Justice, solidarity and efficiency National Coordination Village development committees Draft land agreement Implementation phase Committee of wise men Socio-land tenure survey Validation survey results Procès verbal d’insertion Walo Users’ Association Results Expansion of flood recession lands Access to land ensured for vulnerable groups
Senegal – Land use and allocation plans and land registration Context AFD-supported PACR-VFS MCA-supported IWRM Piloting of land and spatial planning tools Approach Land use and allocation plans Identification of land use zones Participatory and inclusive Land information system Collection, processing, use and storage of data on the occupation of public land Who? How? Where? Land registration Formalisation of land tenure status and criteria for land allocation Survey Workshops on land allocation Titres d’affectation Results Good local governance, democratic processes and representative decision-making Secured access to land Reduced conflicts
Senegal – “One household, one hectare” and pastoral units Context IFAD and BOAD-supported PRODAM Food insecurity due to drought, refugee crisis and changes in flood patterns Approach “One household, one hectare” Socio-economic survey and feasibility study Regrouping and redistribution of land Led by village chief Committee of elders Pastoral units Group of localities that share the same pastoral and agricultural areas and use the same water points Preserving the existing natural resources & empowering communities Participatory land use management plans and management committees Results 3 000 ha of PIV (100 ha for women) Improve land tenure security for vulnerable groups (women and dispossessed people) Federation of producers’ organisations 22 pastoral units Positive effect on environment & animals
Conclusion It is possible to identify strategies that promote more equitable access to water and irrigated land, depending on the local situation and in co-ordination with the community Access to capital becomes a determining factor Joint planning and modelling of water resource development There is no single, optimal property right system for irrigations systems