Story: Abuelo and the Three Bears Week 6 Nov. 28, 2016 Issue # 6 2nd 9 Weeks Mrs. Castellano's Class Weekly Objectives Homework Monday–Read your fluency fold, “Field Mouse and House Mouse. “Write spelling words 3 times each. Library book. Tuesday–1. Put the spelling words in (ABC) order. 2. Write a sentence for spelling words 1 to 10. Math .4. Fluency folder. Library book. Wednesday–1. Write sentences for spelling words 10-21. 2. Math sheet. 3.Fluency folder. Library book. Thursday–1. Have your parents give you a practice spelling test. 2. Math.3. Fluency folder. Library book. Friday-Read for (20) twenty minutes each day using your library book. Sign your folder. , Read weekends. Language Arts – Fiction & Non fiction, characters, setting, plot, Problem and solution, Parts of a book-glossary, table of contents, past tense endings, declarative and interrogative sentences, prepositions, plural nouns, author’s purpose. Math-Geometry: Compose/decompose 2D and 3D shapes. Science – Natural Resources: Natural vs. man made Social Studies – Continents continued, landmarks, poems. Spelling Words Pattern: R-controlled eer, ear, ere Fearless, ear, hear, here, near, cheer, fear, peer, gear, year, deer, dear, clear, steer, sneer, tear, appear, clearly, nearly, cheerful, beard, Important Dates: Continue coming to istation at 7:05 am on Tues, Wed., Thurs, Friday. Please be on time. Time is very limited. THANK YOU MRS. ZARATE AND MRS. MELGAR FOR ALL YOUR HELP ON WEDNESDAY, NOV. 16, 2016. THANK YOU TO MRS. YANEZ, MRS. SALAZAR, and MRS. SOLIS FOR YOUR HELP IN THE CLASSROOM! Vocabulary Words Story: Abuelo and the Three Bears Medium: Not too big and not too little.” Medium right in the middle. Arrive: To come or to get to a place. Argue: To disagree with someone. Stubborn: Nothing can make you change your mind. Noticed: To have seen something. Cozy: Warm and comfortable or comfy. Home Project #2 Paper Mache Continents Globe Family Project: A letter with instructions was sent home in your child’s agenda on November 9, 2016. This project is due no later than Dec 9, 2016. The project will take 3-4 days to make. You will truly enjoy it! Have students practice knowing their continents. They will get tested. Students will present their projects for a grade. We will grade based on quality work and knowledge. Fieldtrip: We are going to the Zoo on Tuesday, November 29, 2016. It is mandatory that all parents have their background checks done before this day. Please let me know who will be helping us on this day. Please send me a note letting me know that you are interested in helping us that day and let me know if your background checks have been approved. All volunteers must report to the front office to get a volunteer pass. Parents pay at the zoo. Please arrive early to pay. Dia de paseo al zoologico. Sera martes, Nov. 29. Es obligatorio tener sus permiso aprovados por el distrito. Por favor escribirme una nota si van ayudarnos este dia y dejarme saber si ya fueron aprovados. Todos los voluntarios deben reportarse a la oficina ese dia y obtener un pase. Padres pagan en el zoologico. Por favor llegar antes. Online Reading Stories Read during your break. Storyline online: No password needed No password needed Tumblebooks: UN: LCHAVEZ :PW: books UN: jdrugan; PW: bookflix