The MODERN American dream The Refugee Resettlement Experience
The Refugee Experience: An Overview Home Across Lands Refugee Screening Process Case Sample- Iraq Resettlement Agencies in the US Role of Resettlement Agency Reception and Placement- First 90 Days Resources & Opportunities Questions
14. Extensive, in-person interview with Homeland Security officer. 1. Registration with the United Nations. 15. Homeland Security approval is required. 2. Interview with the United Nations. 16. Screening for contagious diseases. 3. Refugee status granted by the United Nations. 17. Cultural orientation class. 4. Referral for resettlement in the United States. 18. Matched with an American resettlement agency. 5. Interview with State Department contractors. 19. Multi-agency security check before leaving for the United States. 6. First background check. Because of the long amount of time between the initial screening and departure, officials conduct a final check before the refugee leaves for the United States. 7. Higher-level background check for some. 8. Another background check. 9. First fingerprint screening; photo taken. 20. Final security check at an American airport. 10. Second fingerprint screening. 11. Third fingerprint screening. 12. Case reviewed at United States immigration headquarters. 13. Some cases referred for additional review. Source:
From Baghdad to Providence, RI Burkan- medical commissioner for Iraqi Army- family of 3 Fled country 2011- Suni, radiologist, many years living spent abroad Aman, Jordan by car- registered with UNHCR within 30 days- followed by many interviews 3 years in Jordan with protected status 1 year completing security/background check, 4 interviews with Department of Homeland Security Placement in Rhode Island Travel Notice rush to complete final medical checks, cultural orientation, preparations for departure Arrived in Providence November 2014
Resettlement Agencies in the US VOLAGS: Church World Service (CWS) Ethiopian Community Development Council (ECDC) Episcopal Migration Ministries (EMM) Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS) International Rescue Committee (IRC) US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI) – 33 sites Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services (LIRS) United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) World Relief Corporation (WR) FY2016- USCRI resettled 12,140 refugees and SIVs (of around 85,000 total resettled in the US)- 578 in Albany
Role of Resettlement Agency Assurance and Travel Notice Preparation for arrival Airport pick-up Home visit Cultural Orientation Applying for Benefits Medical Appointments, Education & Job Search
Refugee Public Assistance -Refugee Welcome Money- $925/person -Refugee Cash Assistance- singles- $327/month -TANF- family of 3- $554/month, family of 4- $634, family of 5- $714 -Matching Grant program- Employment contingent- 6 months- rental assistance, cash assistance
Resettlement Plan: Our Services Case Management Services Employment Services Public Benefit Advocacy ESL Classes Public School Advocacy Referrals to Legal Services Health Services Navigation
Resources State Department- Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants New York Times: Refugees Welcome. Volunteers Embrace Congolese Family in Hudson Valley New York for Syrian Refugees
Get Involved- Volunteer with USCRI “Patient Navigators”- driving people to doctors’ appointments and advocating for their health care- daytime availability required Assistance managing front desk and drop-in issues- daytime availability required Mentoring- Be matched with a refugee family- Commitment of a minimum of two hours per week for minimum of six months
Contact me! Sarah Stangl Dorcas International Institute of Rhode Island 401-784-8665