Human impact on land Write on the RIGHT Side
Different types of land use Commercial & Industrial Recreational Recreational- people use natural areas for activities like hiking, camping, biking, etc. Transport- large networks of roads and train tracks Agricultural- open land used for crops Residential- where humans live Commercial/Industrial- businesses and manufacturers use land/resources LAND USE Residential Agricultural Transportation
Urbanization The growth of urban areas is caused by people moving into cities. When an area becomes urbanized, its natural land surface is replaced by buildings, parking lots, and roads Roads and trains are often highly concentrated in urban areas Urban areas have dense human populations
Why is soil important? Provides habitats for organisms, such as plants, worms, bacteria, etc. Provides water and nutrients for organisms It is important in land ecosystems It is important in agricultural land
How do humans affect land and soil? Land degradation: the process by which human activity and natural processes damage land to the point that it can no longer support the local ecosystem Urban sprawl: when urbanization occurs at the edge of a city or town. Forests, fields, and grasslands are replaced with houses, roads, schools, etc. Erosion: when sediment is moved from one place to another by wind, water, and gravity. Erosion speeds up when land is degraded. Urban sprawl decreases the amount of farmland and natural resources available. It causes rainwater to runoff the hard surfaces into storm drains instead of back into the ground. This can increase erosion of nearby soil. Roots of trees and plants act as anchors to the soil. When removed, the soil is exposed to wind and water
How do humans affect land and soil? Nutrient depletion and land pollution: when nutrients in soil is used up and pollution from industrial activities damage land Desertification: when land becomes more desert-like and unable to support life Deforestation: the removal of trees and other vegetation. During urbanization, forests are replaced with buildings. Less plants and trees can lead to soil erosion
reflection Make a foldable and glue it on the left side. Urbanization Deforestation INSIDE INSIDE OUTSIDE OUTSIDE Make a foldable and glue it on the left side. Outside of foldable: Vocab terms Urbanization Nutrient depletion Desertification Deforestation Inside of foldable: for each word, include the following Definition/description A negative impact it has on the environment Draw a picture describing the vocab term Nutrient Depletion INSIDE INSIDE Desertification OUTSIDE OUTSIDE Nutrient depletion is…… A negative impact of nutrient depletion is…..