Please grab a binder check form and Cornell Notes. Quickwrite (3/27/17) On a scale of 1(low)-5(high), where do you feel your computer skills are? (Computer Skills = Browsing internet, researching, Microsoft office – Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Cleaning up computer, typing, downloading, emailing, saving files and docs, etc.) On a scale of 1(low)-5(high), where do you feel your smartphone skills are? (Smartphone Skills = browsing internet, researching, calling, texting, downloading, using apps, cleaning up phone, using the camera, saving file/doc, emailing etc.) How would you feel if everything in school was technology based? Would you like to learn through an online classroom and have digital textbooks; teacher who does lessons through videos; online assignments, exams and projects? Do you feel technology helps or hinders learning at school?
AVID Scoop Binder Check – Friday, March 31st Lecture Hall: Tomorrow, March 28th Vocab Quiz on words O & P this Wednesday, March 29th Rough Draft Essay (Formative) – due this Wednesday, March 29th 5 Paragraph essay. Can be written out or typed. Final Essay Draft Summative – due this Friday March 31st 5 paragraph essay. Must be typed. All PowerPoints, vocab words, and due dates are on my webpage at
State Testing information Just a reminder Geometry, Algebra 1 & 2 EOC review sessions will take place Tuesday & Thursday afterschool from 3-4pm. Algebra 1 review will be held in Ms. Lugo’s room 1A-112. Geometry review will be held in Mr. Myer’s room 1A-108. Algebra 2 EOC review will take place in Mr. Benito’s room 1A-111. All students needing to take one of these tests are invited to the review sessions. First FSA test: 9th Grade Reading FSA – April 12th (WED.) & April 13th (THURS.)
Cornell Notes – How to format an essay using Microsoft word. Please fill out the top of your Cornell notes. These notes will be turned in with your final draft on Friday.
Essay topic Topic: Compare and contrast the Invincible movie to Vince Papale’s real life story. Compare Vince Papale’s obstacles and achievements to your own life story.
Layout of Essay (Example) Introduction: You will introduce topic. Comparing and contrasting the movie to the article. Comparing Vince’s life to yours. 1st Body Paragraph: Compare movie and article (Similar) 2nd Body Paragraph: Contrast movie and article (Differences) 3rd Body Paragraph: Compare Vince’s life to yours (Similar) Conclusion: Summarize what you wrote about. Do not introduce new information.
OutLine Example Intro Paragraph: Body P #1 – Similar ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ _________________________________________ Body P #1 – Similar _____________ Body P #2 – Differences ____________ Body P #3 – Comparing your Life Conclusion 5 Sentence Intro 3 Bullet Points 1 Sentence Conclusion
1. Setting Margins Click the Page Layout tab Click on Margins You will have a drop down menu. Click on the Normal setting to place a one inch margin on all sides.
2. Set font & font size Go to the Home tab Click on Font Launcher arrow From there you can: Change Font to Times New Roman Change Font Style to Regular Change Font Size to 12
3. Double spacing Click on Home tab Line Spacing tool Drop down menu select 2.0 (double space) Entire document is double spaced. No extra lines between any of the elements.
4. Name and Info block formatting Alignment tool bar Click on left align Type in the info block Your Name Teacher’s Name Class Period Date
5. Title Formatting Click center alignment begin writing title. Title Rules: Capitalize all words EXCEPT articles, coordinating conjunctions and prepositions First and last words always capitalized Do not underline it Do not put it in “quote marks” Do not bold the words Do not use all CAPS
6. Formatting paragraphs Click Left align Click the “TAB” key on the keyboard to indent paragraph. You only have to hit enter ONCE when moving on to another paragraph. Do not hit enter twice in between paragraphs. It is already set to double space. Paragraphs automatically indents when you click “enter” once!
Why? 1. You have to realize that teachers are not just reading your paper, but several papers. In high school, the average class is 34 and each teacher has 5 classes. That comes to about 170 students per teacher per semester. The teacher has to read 170 student papers. Double spacing makes reading the papers easier. 2. If the teacher needs to make a comment, it does not have to be squeezed in between single spaced lines, but the teacher can write legibly between the double spaced lines so that you know what comments the teacher is making and to the specifics in your writing. 3. Double spacing is required in college. No matter what state you live in or what college you attend, the formal papers are typed double spaced as per either MLA references or APA reference. You need to get used to using double space. It is required for all papers. Single spaced papers are too tight and difficult to read