Introduction to Vivado Design Suite
Vivado Design Suite Vivado is the new tool that only supports 7 series FPGA, UltraScale and all more recent families. Completely re-developed from scratch The algorithms for Vivado are implemented with having the ever-growing size of FPGAs in mind New deterministic Place and Route Algorithm All steps have the same view on a global data structure Vivado HLS: High-level sysnthesis tool Xilinx Design Constraints All tools in Vivado except SDK and Vivado HLS are integrated part of the GUI
ISE Vivado New integrated GUI All tools in Vivado except SDK and Vivado HLS are integrated part of the GUI
Vivado GUI
Creating a new project
Project manager
IP Integrator
Simulation: create testbench
Simulation: edit testbench
Running simulation
Specifying constraints: Specifying constraints XDC Consttraints (replacement of UCF) XDC constraints are a combination of: Industry standard Synopsys Design Constraints (SDC), and Xilinx proprietary physical constraints XDC constraints have the following properties: They are not simple strings, but are commands that follow the Tcl semantic. They can be interpreted like any other Tcl command by the Vivado Tcl interpreter. They are read in and parsed sequentially the same as other Tcl commands.
UCF to XDC Source: Vivado Design Suite Migration Methodology Guide (UG911) p 23
Creating or adding XDC file
Creating XDC file
Master XDC
Design elaboration: I/O Planning
Design elaboration
Synthesis and the synthesized design
Implementation and the implemented design
Generating bitstream
Hardware manager: open target
Hardware manager: open target
Hardware manager: program device