The Global Membership Drive Engage, Retain, Recruit
The Legend of the Red Thread
Membership Committee North/South America 2016-2018 Mary Ann Rubis Co-Chairman Cindy Phillips e-Club Coordinator Kathleen Douglass Barbara Lippa Karen Pati
North American Inspiration
The GMD Accessing the Tools
The GMD Accessing the Tools
The GMD Tools Internal Materials
The GMD Tools Support Materials for Club Boards
Engagement and Retention Strategy for Club Boards
What is Zonta?
The GMD Tools Support Materials for Club Boards
Social Media Toolkit
Social Media Toolkit - Infographics
The GMD Tools Support Materials for e-Clubs Cindy
GLOBAL MEMBERSHIP DRIVE Cindy: The Zonta e-Club Presentation can be used to gain a better understanding of what Zonta e-Club are and how they can be effective. The presentation can be used at the club, area, and district levels to educate members about how e-Clubs meet, who can be a member, how these club works, and how they participate in Zonta activities and projects. ZONTA E-CLUBS March March 201717
Charter of a New Zonta e-Club Cindy: This guide will be used by e-Clubs in formation and their SOM (Sponsoring, Organizing, Mentoring) club as they plan their chartering. As Zonta e-Clubs use technology to hold their meetings and their charter celebrations, this document provides suggestions for several tools such as Skype, for clubs to consider.
Sample Rules of Procedure for e-Clubs Cindy: The Sample Rules of Procedure is intended to be used by a newly chartered e-Club as a guideline to establish their club’s Rules and Procedures.
Conducting an e-Club meeting Cindy: This document is useful to current, newly chartered and in formation e-Clubs. It offers guidance on how to maximize the use of technology in communicating and engaging members in Zonta e-Clubs.
Strengthening your e-Club Cindy: Membership is the heart of the organization. The information in this document offers guidance on how to maximize the membership experience in Zonta e-Clubs. Making sure members and presenters are familiar with the tools the e-Club uses for meetings. Make Zonta’s mission the focus of membership and connecting members to our mission.
Fundraising, Service, and Advocacy for e-Clubs
Zonta e-Club Cindy: A Zonta e-Club can be as committed and effective as a club that meets in person in their mission of empowering women.
The GMD Tools External Materials
The GMD Tools External Materials (Continued)
GMD Tools External Materials for Young Professional Recruitment
Young Professionals Flyer
Support Material for Club Boards – Member Recruitment Social Media Toolkit
Breakout Sessions What topics do you wish to discuss?
Share your insights. Weave your yellow threads.
Inspire other Zonta members
Your Personal Membership Life Cycle
Make even more yellow thread connections this weekend!
Presenters: Mary Ann Rubis and Cindy Phillip Facilitator: Karen Pati On behalf of the ZIMC, thank you for adding your voice to empower women! Presenters: Mary Ann Rubis and Cindy Phillip Facilitator: Karen Pati