Science Week 2016 Foundation Stage
Monday: Professor Brain Storm We all enjoyed the science show on Monday. The show was all about sound and light. We all listened very carefully for an hour and learnt lots. Ruslans, Arnis and Kira were very brave and volunteered to help Professor brain storm with his experiments. Well done!
Tuesday: Spinning Tops Workshop On Tuesday we had a superb spinning tops workshop. We looked at the History of spinners and looked at all the different types of spinners in different countries. We especially enjoyed making our own spinners. This was a lovely experience for the entire class.
Tuesday: Visit From Puppy Taya On Tuesday we enjoyed the visit from Puppy Taya. We all learnt how to look after a baby dog and we looked at all the different equipment needed to look after a puppy. Some of us did some tricks with Taya. We asked her to sit, lie down and to heal. We all talked about how we treat animals. We know to treat animals kindly. Well done Foundation Stage!
Wednesday: Science Fair We had lots of different science experiments for everybody to try in our classroom.
Challenge 1: Bottle Blowing
Challenge 2: Electric Slime
Challenge 3: Magic Fountain
Challenge 4: Overflowing Coins
Challenge 5: Spaghetti Towers
Wednesday: Vet Visit We really enjoyed the visit from the Vet on Wednesday. He told us all about his job and about the different animals that he treats and looks after. We even had the opportunity to dress up as vets.
Vet Role Play From looking at all the different animals and having the visit from the vet we all wanted to play vets in our role play corner. We have acted out some fantastic narratives!
Thursday: Tortoise Visit We have learnt all about tortoises and how to look after them. We looked closely at the tortoises shell and its scaly skin. We even fed him some leaves!
We have had a fantastic Science Week We have had a fantastic Science Week. Thank you to everyone who has contributed to this special week.