What is beauty? 2a Latifa AlBinAli
I have no notion what to wear tomorrow ! Notion (n): An idea/a belief understanding of something I have no notion what to wear tomorrow !
She devoted herself to her beauty Devote (V): To give most of your time, energy, attention, etc. To somebody/something. She devoted herself to her beauty
Gender (n): The fact of being female or male. Some girls name their puppy a cute name no matter what the gender is!
Altered (v) To become different/ to make something different. It doesn’t alter the way I feel !
Mate (n): A friend A husband, wife or other sexual partner. Either of a pair of birds or animals A person you share an activity or accommodation with “ workmates, teammates, classmates, playmates” They’ve been best mates since school.
Conform(v): To behave and think in the same way as most other people in a group or society. To obey a rule, law, etc. Be yourself. Don’t conform into what other people want you to be.
Predominantly (adv): Mostly, mainly She teach in a predominantly female school.
The jacket is part of the school uniform. Uniform (n): The special set of clothes worn by all members of an organization or a group at work, sport team, or by children at school. The jacket is part of the school uniform.
Subjective (adj): Based on your ideas or opinions rather than facts and therefore something unfair. - Facts are subjective. - She is more emotional and subjective than before.
Fundamental (adj): Serious and very important; affecting the most central and important parts of something. Central, forming the necessary basis of something. Hard work is fundamental to success…..
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