Location: Lithuania is situated in Northern Europe Location: Lithuania is situated in Northern Europe. It has 99 kilometers of sandy coastline face the open Baltic Sea. Lithuania has borderlines with Latvia, Byelorussia, Poland, as well as with Kaliningrad region. Area: The territory of Lithuania is 65.200 sq. km. Capital: Vilnius (with 541.300 of inhabitants); Population: 3.206.000 Money: Litas. 100 cents = 1 litas (Lt); 1 Eur = 3,452 Lt Ethnic groups: Lithuanians 80.6%, Russians 8.7%, Poles 7%, Byelorussians 1.6%, others 2.1%.
Language: Lithuanian language belongs to the Baltic group of the Indo-European language family. The 32-letter Lithuanian alphabet is Latin-based. Religion: The main and official religion: Roman Catholic Church.
Historical background: The earliest evidence of inhabitants on the present-day territory of Lithuania dates back to the lOth millennium BC. The first mention of the name Lithuania in written sources dates back to the year 1009 AD. In the 13th-15th centuries the Lithuanian state expanded eastwards. Lithuania had to struggle against the Teutonic and Livonian Orders. In 1940 the Red Army moved into Lithuania. Lithuania became a Soviet Socialist Republic. On March 11, 1990 the restoration of the independence of the Republic of Lithuania was proclaimed.
THE CITY OF ŠIAULIAI IN BRIEF Šiauliai is the fourth largest city in Lithuania, with a population of 129.075 (2005). It is the centre of Šiauliai County. The city is called the capital of Northern Lithuania. Area: 81.13 sq. km. History: The present territory of the city was inhabited in 3-5 centuries AD. In manuscripts the name of the city was first mentioned in 1236 in the rhymed Livonian chronicle after the Sun (Saule) battle. Siauliai was devastated during the WWI and WWII. Now the life in Šiauliai is dynamic, the city became open to the world.
SIAULIAI UNIVERSITY IN BRIEF Clasic university founded in 1997, after connection of Siauliai Pedagogical and Kaunas Technological Institutes. In Siauliai University Bachelor, Master and Doctoral studies are performed. Today in University we have about 12.000 of students and about 500 of teachers in all types of studies (day-time, extramural, evening classes).
SIAULIAI UNIVERSITY IN BRIEF Faculty of Arts Faculty of Education Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics Faculty of Natural Sciences Faculty of Social Sciences Faculty of Social Welfare and Disability Studies Faculty of Technology Continuing Studies Institute European Studies Institute
Public Health Research Centre of Siauliai University is specialized in: organizing educational activities on public health forming health behaviour in the different groups of community. organizing and performing scientific researches, publishing teaching and academic materials, educating young scientists.
TARGET GROUPS OF THE PROJECT Adults in the group of social risk (unemployed (?), adults with chronic diseases – local NGO). Students of the Faculty of Social Welfare and Disability Studies (curative pedagogy study program) – as trainers of target group. Teachers of the Department of Medical Backgrounds – as tutors of trainers.
PROJECT ACTIVITIES HOME TASK Selection of art therapy methods (teachers group – 4 teachers). Selected methods for project activities: Memoir therapy and Melodic Intonation Therapy. Self-help training and evaluation of selected methods (teachers of the department - 4 weeks).
Training of students (10 persons) for the work with adults who are at social risk. Teachers work with students on method training (6 weeks). Self-supporting work in students groups (3 weeks). Evaluation of student’s ability to apply art therapy in the work with adults who are at social risk (workshop and examination).
Work with target group - unemployed – 10 persons ( Work with target group - unemployed – 10 persons (?), adults with chronic diseases – 10 persons (?). Place of therapy performance: laboratory of applied physical activity in the faculty of Social Welfare and Disability Studies. Duration of each session: 30 min. Extension: 6 months; Twice a week (one by one type of therapy) - 48 sessions; The whole time of project practice: 10 months. 34 persons in the project activities will be involved.
EVALUATION OF TEACHERS INPUT ACHIEVING PROJECT GOALS Training the trainers will allow to develop the competences and teaching methods. To improve competence in managing and promoting events of non-formal and informal learning. Method of evaluation: Self-reflection.
EVALUATION OF STUDENTS INPUT ACHIEVING PROJECT GOALS ACCORDING: how students can design and/or foster and/or manage non-formal and informal learning events for adult learners (list of observation and questionnaire) ; how students can use creative and active methods in a proper manner and in the most effective (questionnaire) . how they foster soft skills in disadvantaged adults, stimulating their full commitment in the learning process (reflection). Work with socially disadvantage adults will be performed and assessed as practical placement.
EVALUATION OF ACHIEVED GOALS BY TARGET GROUP ACCORDING: Gained initiative spirit, creativity, capacity of innovation and self-improvement, problem solving. Method of assessment: Reflection on life experience The improvement of the quality of their private and professional life. Method of assessment: Case study Enrichment their relations on different dimensions, increase the level of social participation and civil engagement. Method of assessment: Action research