Lose the Fear: SROI Social Return on Investment is currently very fashionable and almost a gold standard of impact measure, but man, it’s tough. Has anyone tried an SROI before? What was the most challenging part? Or what has stopped you from attempting one?
Objectives and Outline To get over the fear that may be associated with conducting an SROI calculation and report, we will: Review the basic principles Work through the trickiest early stages together Identifying Scope Mapping Stakeholders Mapping Outcomes Applying Proxies
SROI’s 7 principles Involving stakeholders Only including what is material Understanding what changes Valuing what matters Not over-claiming Transparency Verifying results Ask audience if they know them– if yes, try to make a list with them…. Then complete on slide, and 30 seconds on each.
True or False Analysts decide what to measure. Publishing a high return is a goal of the SROI. You can claim returns for the State and the Individual for the same outcome. Your stakeholders dictate what matters. Desk research is part of the SROI.
First things First: Identify your Scope Example: You are a charity working with Latinos in London You operate a wide range of activities, including core activities like translation services, immigration assistance, and ESOL classes. However, 60% of your funding and most of your energy is directed towards an innovative gang prevention and recovery program for over 300 youths (which includes a wide variety of activities, including art therapy, sports clubs, mentoring, etc.) Keep it Small! Focus on big-ticket value– there will be unmeasured value!
Engaging your Stakeholders, Building your data system. What does the analyst think changes for the stakeholder? Included How could you measure the outcome? How to engage? Go through chart with audience (have access to edit computer), allow them to add stakeholders as they see fit
Checklist You’ve checked in with your stakeholders. They inform your data capture system. You have your outcomes and how many people experience them (outcome and quantities) You know how to measure them (indicators) You’ve asked how long things last and what your organization is responsible for (Duration, Deadweight, Attribution) You have asked for value estimations (help determining your proxies) PS: Don’t forget to track INPUTS and OUTPUTS
Now you’re ready You can download a user-friendly “SROI training spreadsheet” here: http://socialvalueuk.org/component/docman/cat_view/29- the-sroi- guide?limit=5&limitstart=0&order=date&dir=DESC&Itemid=138 And you can get proxy help here: http://www.globalvaluexchange.org/ Give as handout
Put a Proxy on it How else could this have happened? Outcome Indicator Quantity Proxy Value Source Missing here is DURATION (source for duration if not default) And SOURCE for Quanitity– to be included in Indicator How else could this have happened? What is this worth?
Embedding What can our organisation do with this figure? So obviously there is a bit more – refer to handout. And I can answer questions about those at the end, but I want to talk about now. What should our sample organization do with this figure and what they have learned?