Vocabulary Review Domain 1
purse When you close your lips tightly Why would a person have pursed lips?
curious wanting to know more about something The puppy was curious about the new fallen snow. What is something in 2nd grade that you may be curious about?
fortune good luck and wealth Part of the king’s fortune included castles, jewels, and very fine horses. Who has good fortune? a) A family that lives in a small house and owns one car. or b) A family that lives in an extremely large house and owns three cars.
sorrowful feeling or showing great sadness The students were sorrowful when their favorite teacher moved away. Who is a character we read about that had great sadness? How do you know the character was sad? Did this change for the character? If so, how?
admiration to look up to someone Liz had a great deal of admiration for her younger sister, who always tried her best. Who is someone you look up to? Why?
tame to train to obey people The cowboy needed to tame his wild horse. How can you tame a pet? Is taming a pet the same as taming a student? Explain.
feats accomplishments that take great strength and determination The acrobat landed gracefully on the mat after the last of her amazing feats. Is making your bed an accomplishment? Explain Is being present in school for an entire year an accomplishment?
tracks footprints that are left behind in snow, sand, mud or clay The deer left tracks in the wet mud. What kind of footprints do you see in sand? How can you determine if tracks are from animals or humans?
oxen more than one ox Plural means more than one That ox was huge! The oxen pulled the heavy loaded cart down the road.
challenge a difficult task or problem The math problem was a challenge but the students were happy when they accomplished it. Is writing your name a challenge? Is pouring ice cold water on your head a challenge? What is something in 2nd grade that is a challenge for you?
exaggeration an overstatement of the truth Which is an exaggeration? It is so hot outside that my skin was melting. or It was so hot outside that I was sweating.
legend a person who is well-known for doing something extremely well Michael Jordan is a basketball legend because he played extremely well. Is your teacher a legend?
enchanted as if under a magic spell The fish was really an enchanted prince. The girl knew she was in an enchanted forest because there were jewels growing on the trees.
frontier the unexplored parts of America Lewis and Clark explored the frontier with a skilled group of woodsmen. The first settlers lived on the East Coast of the United States.
adventures An exciting or unusual experience What adventures did Pecos Bill have?