Bad Dog, Dodger!
Chased Ran after someone.
Chewing Grinding something between your teeth.
Dripping A liquid falling slowly, drop by drop.
Grabbed Took hold of something suddenly.
Practice To repeat an action in order to improve.
Treat A special gift, often food.
Wagged Moved from side to side.
Bad Dog, Dodger! How can we be responsible animal owners? GENRE: Realistic Fiction Tells about made-up events that could happen in real life. Look for things that could really happen to a boy and his dog. How can we be responsible animal owners? P. 264-265
Remember, good readers use background knowledge. Do you think Sam really proved that he was responsible enough to own a puppy? Why? How do you think Sam felt after he opened his birthday present? P. 266-267
What bad things does Dodger do soon after Sam gets him? Sam says Dodger is bad when he jumps in the tub. How does Sam’s father classify Dodger’s behavior? How would you classify his behavior? Suppose you were a dog trainer watching Sam and Dodger at this point in the story. What advice would you give Sam?
What does it mean when the text says Dodger was chewing on Sam’s baseball cap?
Why does Sam’s mom say that Dodger has to live outside? What plan would you recommend to Sam and his mom to keep Dodger out of trouble? Why does Sam’s mom say that Dodger has to live outside? Is this a good solution? P. 270-271
Why did Sam finally begin to take Dodger’s problem seriously? In most stories, there is a central conflict, or main problem, that has to be solved. What is the central conflict in this story? What does it mean when the text says Sam waves a treat in the air? P. 272-273
Connect to Science Some animals such as dogs, horses, monkeys, and dolphins can be trained. Other animals such as frogs cannot.
In what category do all of these words belong? Inning Bat Strikes Bases Pitcher Wound up Fly ball In what category do all of these words belong?
What is the theme of this story? How do you think Sam feels when Dodger takes off after the fly ball? What is the theme of this story? What do you think about how Sam is training Dodger to behave? P. 274-275
How can your own experiences help you understand the stories ending? Some people have the time and interest to train a puppy. Others do not. Do you think you have what it takes to be a responsible puppy owner? Why? Based on his experience, what advice do you think Sam would give Eileen about training Zooks? p.276-277