Presentation of financial results of QUMAK Group in 1-3Q 2016 Warsaw, 23 November 2016
Results 1-3Q2016 vs. 1-3Q2015 Revenues Gross income on sales Operating result mln PLN -44% -4% mln PLN mln PLN Revenues – effect of high base in 1-3Q2015. Biggest sales in the history Closing of a 5-year investment cycle, with delay in launching a next one Net result
P&LA 1-3Q2016 In thousand PLN I-IIIQ2016 I-IIIQ2015 Change % Income on sales 287 064 510 949 -43.8% Own cost of sales 269 829 492 953 -45.3% Gross income (loss) on sales 17 235 17 996 -4.2% Cost of sales 10 412 11 648 -10.6% Cost of administration 15 249 11 147 36.8% Other operating income 6 872 3 558 93.1% Other operating costs 1 048 481 117.9% Profit (loss) from operations -2 602 -1 722 - Result on financial revenues and costs -474 -2 189 Profit (loss) before taxes -3 076 -3 911 Income tax and deferred income tax 7 205 -875 Net profit (loss) -10 281 -3 036
Results 3Q2016 – balance sheet In thousand PLN 30.09.2016 31.12.2015 Equity in total 44 766 55 194 Fixed assets in total, including 37 541 42 545 Assets from deferred income tax 9 277 15 976 Current assets, including: 201 310 257 772 Inventories 11 466 11 073 Trade and other receivables 106 714 147 312 Assets from unfinished contracts 23 924 20 849 Other non-financial assets 37 968 11 331 Cash and cash equivalents 20 734 66 781 Assets in total 238 851 300 317 Long-term liabilities, including: 14 104 16 621 Long-term borrowings and bank loans 1 809 1 422 Trade and other liabilities 6 064 8 354 Provisions 6 231 6 845 Short-term liabilities, including: 179 981 228 502 Short-term borrowings, debt instruments and bank loans 22 524 7 818 120 328 160 691 Liabilities from unfinished contracts 6 806 31 637 Current liabilities from income tax 133 291 6 323 6 465 Deferred income 23 867 21 600 Capital and liabilities in total
3Q2016 vs. 3Q2015 Margins in 3Q2016 Margins in 3Q2015 mln PLN mln PLN
G&A and SG&A in relation to revenue G&A to revenue SG&A to revenue Increase of %GA – lower sales and severance for employees and managers, costs of internal control departments Higher costs of sales i.e. due to growing number of small tenders, including 2-stage Planned optimization and more flexible employment Increase of specialists outsourcing 2.2% mln PLN / % mln PLN / %
Cash flow 3Q 2016 and financing structure Increased demand for working capital because of the realization of contracts Low net debt Cash flow Cash in hand mln PLN mln PLN As at 30.09.2016 used available Non-interest bearing financing or with preferential interest 4.6 X Interest-bearing financing (including factoring) 33.1 80
Optimal working capital management CKG net in days Company skillfully uses extended payment maturity dates and preferential financing Simultaneously maintaining inventories fast rotation Liabilities: trade, borrowings, bank loans, factoring, other, warranty deposits, tax liabilities Receivables: trade and other, warranty deposits With regard to net revenues Averaged values Period: 270 days
Low debt – good financial condition Profitability ratios 1-3Q2016 1-3Q2015 Sales profitability (gross) 6.00% 3.52% EBITDA profitability 0.15% 0.12% Operating profit profitability -0.91% -0.34% Gross profitability -1.07% -0.77% Net profitability -3.58% -0.59% Financing structure ratios As at 30.09.2016 As at 30.09.2015 General debt ratio 0.81 0.82 Interest-bearing debt to assets ratio 0.10 0.03 Coverage of fixed assets with equity ratio 1.19 1.30 Equity indebtedness ratio 0.54 0.17 Rules of calculating ratios: Sales profitability (gross) = gross income from sales/ revenues from sales EBITDA profitability = (loss from operations + depreciation)/ revenues from sales Operating profit profitability = loss from operations/ revenues from sales Gross profitability = loss before taxes/ revenues from sales Net profitability = net loss/ revenues from sales Rules of calculating: General debt ratio – liabilities and provisions for liabilities in total/ assets in total Interest-bearing debt to assets ratio – interest-bearing indebtedness/ assets in total Coverage of fixed assets with equity ratio – equity/ fixed assets Equity indebtedness ratio – interest-bearing indebtedness/ equity Liquidity ratios As at 30.09.2016 As at 30.09.2015 Current liquidity ratio (current ratio) 1.12 1.13 Quick liquidity ratio (quick ratio) 0.92 0.99 Rules of calculating: Current financial liquidity ratio = current assets/ short-term liabilities Quick financial liquidity ratio = (current assets – inventory – short-term prepayments) / short-term liabilities
Sales and orders portfolio 1-3Q 2016
Value of public tenders Market environment Increase of GDP at the level of 2.5% y/y, estimated decrease of investments at the level of 4% In 3Q2016 by 38% lower value of public tenders in IT y/y (+4% q/q) – despite reassurances of the Ministry of Digital Affairs there were no large infrastructural and IT tenders launched Increased “fragmentation” of tenders – by 34% higher y/y number of tenders with significantly lower value Use of financial and organizational advantage by large entities and international corporations in the context of a weakened market Double-digit losses in dynamics of construction and assembly production y/y Double-digit growth of sales of cloud solutions (in particular of companies such as IBM, Microsoft, Oracle) Noticed growing demand for constructing services centers and expansion of already existing centers, which may in a short time bring even bigger interest in services of body-leasing and in a long term outsourcing (e.g. HSBC, EY, GE, 3M, Credit Suisse) 4% increase of the number of tenders q/q Value of tenders -38% vs. 2015 Value of public tenders bn PLN -38% *By PPO data
Change in sales in particular business lines y/y. Sales 1-3Q 2015/1-3Q 2016 Significant decrease of sales in lines of large exposure to public market Change in sales in particular business lines y/y. Sales structure in 1-3Q16 mln PLN Biggest impact on decrease of sales y/y – completing large infrastructural projects
Current backlog in next years 18-months delay in distributing projects in a perspective 2014-20 Extended period of waiting to sign a large part of bigger won contracts Expected growth of portfolio still in the 4th quarter Year 2016 Year 2016 Year 2017+ Total backlog PLN 241 million mln PLN * As at 4 November
Backlog for 2016+ Backlog by business lines
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