Boxers By Kerry Wilkinson
Why I chose this The reason that I chose this is because boxers are really cool dogs and they are big and muscular. They will always stay by your side and they will never betray you unless you beat them and abuse them without a reason to do it. With the proper training they can be the best dog that you will ever have.
Boxer information The boxer was bread in Germany. They are a breed of stocky, medium sized, short haired dogs. The male boxer’s height and weight average is twenty- two to twenty-five inches (height) and sixty to seventy pounds (weight). The female boxer’s height and weight average is twenty-one to twenty-four (height) and fifty-three to sixty-five pounds (weight).
Boxer information The boxer is proven t0 be a very good at competitive obedience. The boxer came from mastiff-type dogs known as bullenbeisers. A small underbite is typical for a boxer. The average life length for this dog is ten years. In dog years that would be seventy. The boxer is a breed that requires daily exercise.
Why you should get a boxer The boxer is a playful dog that is eager and quick to learn. The boxer will get along with any type of person. It is especially good with children. The boxer is loyal to all who own it and will always stay by their sides. Believe it or not, but the boxer is one of the only dogs to get along with cats! That’s right, your boxer will get along with cats! (Once it gets used to it and gets to know it of course)
Why you should get a boxer The boxer may get along with cats, but farm animals such a chickens, rodents, and ducks can become to tempting. They can be taught to leave it, but don’t leave it alone with them, just in case.
Why you should get a boxer You should get a boxer is because they are great pets, they will never bite unless necessary, they are great family pets and they can be a dog for any age. They will always care for you and they will never leave your side unless you leave them. When you do that they will wait at your door and, until you get home, they will not leave that spot. They are always excited and ready to play, especially when they are young. When they start to get older they will not be as energized as they were when they were young, but they will never lose their go0d nature.
Why you should you get a boxer If you are an all-out dog person then you should try to get one of this fantastic breed. Be warned they do shed and have some-what bad habits, but they will be your dog forever. They will kick anyone out of the bed when you are sleeping so they can sleep with you and they will always be there for you no matter what. They will always be by your side and they will be you best friend forever. They will always love you as long as you love them.
Boxer breed/habits The breed is supposed to be a very affectionate and silly dog although they can be stubborn at times. Boxer owners say that you can’t change this dog to fit your lifestyle. They say to even try is like you are trying to break the very essence of the boxer and you are trying to change it’s soul. You must really be a dog person to happily be with this dog. If you are not a dog person then this dog could be your living nightmare. The reason why is because they pas gas, they give wet kisses, they jump on you and they snore to. Dog professionals say that if any of that made you wince then do not get a boxer because those are their regular habits. If the image of a 70+ pound dog jumping on you and giving you a kiss, then do not get a boxer.
Some heath issues Aortic stenosis/subaortic stenosis (AS/SAS) Boxer cardiomyopathy Hip dysplasia Hypothyroidism Corneal dystrophy Demodectic mange Cancer Bloat Allergies
Boxer Sadly the boxer has many heath issues, but as long as you check on them a lot and you watch their heath they will be fine and you will always have a friend. YOUR DOG!
Videos 38 seconds 1:13 eature=related 3:26
Descriptive paragraph The Boxer is looking out of the camera while someone is inspecting it. There is one hand around the neck and one hand on it’s tail. The man who is inspecting it has a brown shirt on with white sleeves. The boxer puppy has a brown coat and white around the neck and paws. There is a pillow in the back ground and is cloth hanging down in front of the boxer puppy. Which one is it? A B
Websites I used rce=hp&biw=1440&bih=717&q=boxer+puppies&gbv=2 &oq=Boxer&aq=1&aqi=g10&aql=1&gs_l=img.1.1.0l10.104 5.4446.0.6461. 05NUJN7y6c /Boxer-Puppy-Training
Websites I used boxers/
Boxer I really hope that you want to get a boxer. They do have a lot of bad habits and they can get heath issues very easily, but that is if you don’t care for your boxer. They are great dogs and I hope that you will take some time to think about getting one. They are a great breed and I hope you will like them as much as I do.