Notes for MSC F2F February 6, 2008
Over Arching Goals 1. Put OGF on a stable financial footing 2. Make our core happy and productive 3. Do good technical work
eScience (distributed Target Constituency HPC (Scientific and engineering) eScience (distributed Data and compute)
How do we create a fiscally stable model for OGF? Membership doesn’t seem like a sustainable model, as there is little ROI for vendors and other current sponsors OGF-EUROPE funds won’t help (only a potential for expense savings) Event Registration fee increase leverages what we already do Stabilize membership and attempt a gradual (5%) increase with time
What can make our core more happy? Communities Workshops and better reporting Centralized repository of information Open Source Tutorials Spec adoption Standards Encourage WGs
Wrap-up of Thursday Consensus on Registration Fee increase eScience/commercial HPTC and Infrastructure providers are our “core” – need to make them happy Leverage OGF-EUROPE as much as possible Workshop Outputs (increase visibility after the events; needs staff support to produce them; outreach plan) Testing and Compliance, Testbeds (Interest in the community for doing these things – Who?, Who would benefit?) -> Bring up with the BTC-CG and possibly GFSG (also talk with Miron Livney) Action: eScience (Julie, GCF) to initiate with BTC-CG to explore status and interest Grid Project Registry How the Board can help? They must be able to represent with conviction the technical direction and strategy (and be able to recruit new members)
Re-deploying staff High quality content for events Focused content areas? Right speakers Leverage location’s topic strength (e.g., Cambridge & Pharma) Manage work (groups and other) better Support to Stds Councils for oversight Enterprise & Escience Helping with content and deliverables Recruiting/engaging resources What do we take away? Support for ADCOM during OGF events Simplify organizational model to reduce required support functions
OGF-EUROPE Where can they help? Outreach, spec adoption Event, workshop, outreach seminar planning/execution (reporting) Funding to support GIN, Student Scholar, Experts Marketing, media relations (in Europe) How do we leverage them for spec adoption, events, membership, etc.? Timeline for productivity Launched Feb 1; Funding to follow
Membership Difficulty getting traction with <research> partners and beyond (though it’s still early) Membership value proposition not strong; improvement may come as deliverables hit the EU community
OGF’s Focused Problem Set (enterprise) Where is the value in paying the money for membership; OGF not tackling the problems that enterprise cares about; Board not providing direction or supporting a clear technical direction Enterprise (incl. vendors) doesn’t believe grid and grid standards is compelling enough to keep engaged Shift focus of Enterprise activities to HPTC communities Workshops and developing best practices in key markets (EDA, FSI, Pharma, etc.) Target going to the customer’s turf (pay has to come from co-sponsors) Best practice development What do we have to give them? Targets: Pharma/Life Science, EDA, Industrial Manuf (Auto, Xport), FSI Leverage OGF-EU Community Outreach Seminars
TS&R Like the idea of multiple documents rolled up into one Annual report vs. Technical Strategy Two components: Stuff we’re doing now Stuff we’re doing in the future (near, long) Plus a rationale for these things but still succinct Get further input on whether an annual report is useful (to core and others) Priority is to get the content documented; then to roll-up into a report (which should be web-based)
Thought Leadership Series Should we make this a low or high barrier to entry? Traffic by controversy vs. traffic by volume Lowering barrier may encourage core to contribute Vendors OK (solutions section?) Give it some time; give visibility at OGF22 and see if we get more traffic
Key Action Items Raising fees for events (model, socialize, and decide) Monitor impact Arguments for increase Workshop outputs Increase visibility Outreach between events No fee increase for years Spec Adoption plan (how do we help?) Initiate with OGSA, SAGA, HPC-BP and begin mapping out a plan Leveraging OGF-EUROPE for Spec Adoption and Enterprise outreach/workshops Action for John/Robert to meet with the team Talk up TLS at OGF22 and encourage involvement Get status of BTC-CG re: Testing/Cert. oppt’s Map out strategy for getting reports on all workshops (and BoFs) at OGF22
Key Items to Consider and further explore Testing & Compliance & Testbeds BTC-CG Alternate source of revenue for OGF (OGC model) Annual report (instead of TS&R) Get others’ input (benefit to core?) from Board, ADCOM, Core at Town Hall Grid Project Registry How to curate? Benefit? Structure of Organization Board, ADCOM, GFSG Decision boundaries Alternate forms of funding the organization For pay tutorials, etc. How can we maximize our limited resources (Staff, Leadership)? What are we NOT going to do in order to do more?