www.mycareinbirmingham.org.uk (built using Quickheart) Beverley Stevens Project Manager Business Change Adults and Communities Birmingham City Council beverley.stevens@birmingham.gov.uk 07825 979068
My Care in Birmingham Represents part of the Transformation in social care From clients of Social Services to citizens with choice and control From looking after welfare to wellbeing (all your life) From relying on “experts” to enabling you as citizens Freedom from dependence on social care to independence and freedom to choose “Safety net” for meeting needs to a springboard to meet your goals
What is My Care in Birmingham? A self service website designed for everyone in Birmingham (with internet access) First part now online, with access to over 70 pages and links to information and advice on Adult Social Care, future development will include: Support for needs assessment by social workers Accessibility issues to be addressed Capability to leave feedback (available now), will feed into future development
What does it enable me to do? Today: enquire about services, read information and advice, get signposting to services for everyone so that you can choose services more easily Coming soon: Define social care and support needs Establish an Indicative Budget and Plan how to spend it on support to meet your assessed needs Engage with service providers for the care and support you need
What makes up My Care in Birmingham? In 3 parts: Information and Advice Needs Assessment and Resource Allocation System (RAS) Planning and Marketplace
My Care in Birmingham: Information & Advice The next 5 slides represent the part of the My Care in Birmingham website now available, containing information and advice on Adult Social Care in Birmingham.
My Care in Birmingham: Needs Assessment and RAS (Resource Allocation System) The next slide shows the supporting assessment tool home page which is currently in development.