Place based intervention designed with people’s focus USE-IT Unlocking Social and Economic Innovation Together Birmingham Place based intervention designed with people’s focus
What is the problem? No more regeneration money available - austerity Isolated private large investments Isolating poor communities around Forcing the poorest communities to move somewhere else taking their problems with them or creating ghettos Skills gap (NHS)
Macro-assets Micro-assets Collaborative Planning Talents and ideas Micro-assets Micro-funding Medical skills Construction skills
New partnership that wouldn’t naturally happen Local Authority – lead Universities NHS Private Sector (Chamber of Commerce, Social Enterprises) 3rd Sector (understanding community needs better than anyone else)
How? Community Research – understand + connect (build resilience, raise ambitions, improve dialogue between the community and organisations delivering support) Employment Support – matching skills with the skills gap linking to the anchor institution Social Enterprise creation and support (consortia) Innovative social financing – SIBs, social investors, sustainability (business plans)
OUTCOMES Innovation – replicable model of support that can be transferred to any other city (with or without specific funding) Empowered community with a sense of ownership (3000 engagements) People matched with jobs (60) SE created and supported (60) + work placements within SE (45) Exit strategy – viable financial plan
Thank you! Karolina Medwecka-Piasecka USE-IT! Project Manager Birmingham City Council