Grade 9 to 10 Course Selection
RSS Website The 2017/2018 Course Description Book and this PowerPoint are available on the RSS website at Please refer these resources for course descriptions and answers to frequently asked questions.
3 YEAR RULE ~ Policy of School District #23 ~ A student has 3 years to achieve graduation starting in grade 10. If students do not achieve graduation by the end of the grade 12 year, further courses will be available at Central Schools in Kelowna, NOT at RSS.
What happens AFTER GRADUATION? Long Range Planning What happens AFTER GRADUATION? START THINKING…
Planning for the Future ~ University Entrance ~ English Lit 12 French 12 History 12 ASL 12 German 12 Spanish 12 Japanese 12 Law 12 Pre-Calculus 12 Calculus 12 Physics 12 Chemistry 12 Biology 12 BC First Nations 12 All Advanced Placement Courses ENGLISH 12 (70% ↑) + 3 Grade 12 Courses [Approved by the school you choose to attend] Some programs also require Gr. 11 courses RESEARCH & Keep your options open...
Planning for the Future ~ College to University Transfer ~ ASSOCIATE OF ARTS Take 2 years at college & transfer to university to complete Arts degree. High School Graduation and English 12 60% ↑ (College transcript then used for university transfer) ASSOCIATE OF SCIENCES Take 2 years at college & transfer to university to complete Science degree. High School Graduation and English 12 60% ↑____ Pre-Cal 12 50% ↑ *** RESEARCH & Keep your options open...
Planning for the Future ~ Diploma & Trades Program Entrance ~ EACH PROGRAM HAS SEPARATE ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS. Check on those that are acceptable to the school and the program you wish to enter.
Planning for the Future ~ SD #23 Dual Credit Programs ~ Questions? See Mr. Gunn 250-718-1635 SECONDARY SCHOOL APPRENTICESHIP BCIT / OC DUAL CREDIT PROGRAMS Special Information Night Tuesday, March 7th 6:00pm Hollywood Road Education Services 1040 Hollywood Road
Planning for the Future ~ SD #23 Dual Credit Programs ~ EXISTING PROGRAMS: Begin in Grades 10/11 or 12 Hairdressing Collision Repair Joinery Sheet Metal Carpentry Plumbing R.V. Technician Welding Culinary Arts Electrician Early College* Emergency Medical Responder Firefighting Academy* Computer Information Systems Forestry* Grade 11 start Trades Sampler* Grades 10-12 Health Care Aid Automotive Service Technician Program Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Mechanic/Structures Heavy Mechanical Trades Certified Educational Assistant*
Graduation Requirements Gr 10 + Gr. 11 + Gr. 12 = 80 credits minimum GRADE 10 English 10 Social Studies 10 Science 10 a Mathematics 10 a PE 10 GRADE 11 English 11 a Social Studies 11 a Mathematics 11 a Science 11 Planning 11 GRADE 12 an English 12 ________ 12 Career Transitions 12 No Grade 8 or 9 credits count in this calculation.
Required Courses ENGLISH 10 SOCIALS 10 SCIENCE 10 Topics include: a novel study, poetry, short stories, grammar, writing, speaking and listening. SOCIALS 10 Topics include: Canadian Identity, Canada in the global community, Canada and Global Citizenship. SCIENCE 10 Topics include: Biology, Chemistry, Earth Science, and Physics.
Required Courses: Math 10 You will be recommended by your Math teacher for either Foundations Math 10 or Apprenticeship and Workplace Math 10 (A&W Math 10). Foundations Math 10 Leads to possible University entrance Topics: algebra, measurement, number relations and functions A&W Math 10 Focuses on Math skills required for most Trades programs like algebra, statistics, and probability Will meet grad requirements after grade 11
Important Consideration Foundations Math 10 leads to the Math classes in Grade 11 and 12 which are required for entry to most universities. Consider your options. Research program requirements. So …
Physical Education 10 PE 10 is a REQUIRED course for graduation! Choose: Regular PE 10 OR Dance 10 OR Hockey 10 OR Baseball 10 OR Soccer 10 OR Football OR Basketball OR Mixed Martial Arts
Course offerings dependent upon # of participants. Physical Education Course offerings dependent upon # of participants. PE Academies Hockey $1000 Baseball $1200 Soccer $550 PE Electives PE 10-11-12 Mixed Martial Arts 10-12 Basketball Football Outdoor Ed 9-12 Dance 9-12 Choreography 12 AB Outdoor Ed 10-12 Human Performance 11/12
Applied Skills & Other Electives Course offerings dependent upon # of participants. Leadership Wellness Team Computer Animation Business Education Marketing Video Game Dev Computer Programming Yearbook Applied Skills Foods Cooks Training Fashion and Sewing Drafting Business Education Leadership Intro Marketing Woodwork, Metalwork, Metal Art, Auto Tech and Electronics
What about a 2nd Language? Is it required ?? For graduation? No For trades or vocational programs? No For university entrance? …Maybe Is it a good idea? …Yes It depends on if you go straight to university from high school, the program you choose and the university / college you attend.
Language Courses French German Japanese Punjabi Spanish ASL Intro Language 11 start in Grade 10 Intro Language 11 leads to Language 11 2nd Language to Grade 11 level needed to go straight to university in most cases Language to Grade 12 level needed for graduation from some university programs
Distance Learning Courses Optional method for students to complete a course on their own time, not as part of the school timetable. (Virtual & Paper courses) Totally independent from RSS. (No help from our staff) You still must have a full course load at RSS if you are taking an online course. Be careful – this is NOT the ‘easier’ way to take a course!
External Credits A student can earn school credits for some specific programs: Driver Training Course Girl Guides / Cadets Provincial & National level sport teams NLS & Bronze Cross (swimming) Royal Conservatory Music levels * Credits are given for SPECIFIC levels of participation as determined by the Ministry of Education. Check with your counsellor.
So… Let’s Review In Grade 10 you must take: English 10 Science 10 A Math 10 Social Studies 10 A PE 10 PLUS... 3 elective courses Please note that this adds up to 8 courses within the building. If you decide to take any external credits you still must have 8 course here at RSS.
Band & 2nd Lang. = 1 elective Band or 2nd Lang. = 2 electives No Band SEMESTER 1 SEMESTER 2 Day 1 Day 2 1(A) BAND/SS 1(C) PE 1(C) MATH 2(B) SCIENCE 2(D) FRENCH 2(B) DRAMA 2(D) ENGLISH Band or 2nd Lang. = 2 electives SEMESTER 1 SEMESTER 2 Day 1 Day 2 1(A) FOODS 1(C) PE 1(A) SOCIALS 1(C) MATH 2(B) SCIENCE 2(D) FRENCH 2(B) WOODWORK 2(D) ENGLISH No Band and No 2nd Lang. = 3 electives SEMESTER 1 SEMESTER 2 Day 1 Day 2 1(A) PRODUCTION GRAPHICS 1(C) ENGLISH 1(A) SOCIALS 1(C) MATH 2(B) SCIENCE 2(D) METALWORK 2(B) ELECTRONICS 2(D) PE
What’s next? Go online to RSS website and review this PowerPoint presentation and course selection booklet Talk with teachers and your family Check post-secondary requirements - Don’t limit your options Choose your courses online Select your courses carefully for next year
Remember to Plan Carefully! Changing courses will NOT be simple and extra space in any course is not guaranteed. MAKE THOUGHTFUL CHOICES!!! The school creates next year’s timetable based on YOUR choices now!
Instructions for Grade 10 Online Course Selection Opens: Monday, February 27, 2017 Closes: Friday, March 10, 2017
Click “Utility links” and then “MyEducation BC ” link. Online Course Selection Click “Utility links” and then “MyEducation BC ” link.
Online Course Selection
Online Course Selection first name.last name gr9$RSSs
Add 3 lower case letters of your own Online Course Selection Current password: gr9$RSSs new password: RSS#1_ _ _ Add 3 lower case letters of your own
Online Course Selection STEP 1: Enter your email address. STEP 2: Choose a security question. STEP 3: Enter answer. STEP 4: Confirm answer.
Choose “My Info” from top tabs. Online Course Selection Choose “My Info” from top tabs.
Choose “Requests” from side tabs. Online Course Selection Choose “Requests” from side tabs.
Online Course Selection