Boreal Forest (Tiaga) Temperatures: Summer 14°F to 68°F Winter -22°F to 41°F Latitudes 50°N to 70°N Precipitation Very Low 40-50 cm annually Locations where it can be found Russia, Scandinavian countries, Canada Characterized by a coniferous forest (pine, spruce, fir trees) Animals are large amount of herbivores, few or no reptiles and amphibians, and over 300 species of birds
Savanna Temperatures Winter 68°F - 77°F Summer 77°F - 86°F Latitude 15°S - 25°S Precipitation Has a wet summer and a dry winter Locations where it can be found: Central and Southern Africa, India, Australia Characterized by many grasses, sparse and spread out trees, and shrubbery Animals are typical of those that are found in the movie “The Lion King”, from the lions and antelope, to the crocodiles and hippos
Tundra Temperature Summer 37°F to 54°F Winter -18°F to -58°F Latitude75°N to 90°N Precipitation 15-25 cm annually Locations where it can be found: Northern Russia and Canada Characterized by dwarf shrubs and grasses because the permafrost of the soil does not allow for large root systems Most animals are marine and live on the shores, like seals and penguins, and some smaller animals like cats and rabbits on the interior
Tropical RainForest Tropical rainforest have the highest biodiversity Plants include large trees and flower bearing vines and parasitic plants Animals include the largest varieties of bugs, brightly colored reptiles, birds and amphibians Not many living organisms on the forest floor because the canopy does not allow much sunlight, and large amount of species live in the trees and upper canopy Temperatures: Winter 68°F - 77°F Summer 77°F - 86°F Latitude 28° North or South of the Equator Precipitation 168 to 1000 cm annually Location where you can find it: Amazon, Central Africa, Southeast Asia, Australia and Hawaii
Temperate Grasslands Temperature: Summer 60°F to70°F Winter 20°F to 50°F Latitude55°N to 30°N or 55°S to 30°S Precipitation 50 - 90 cm Locations where it can be found: Kansas, Chile, Western China Exactly as you imagine, the long grasses with short root systems, woody short shrubs and bushes, very few if any trees Animals include many primary consumers like prairie dogs, larger deer like consumers, and many varieties of birds.
Temperate Deciduous Forest Temperatures: Summer70°F to 86°F Winter-22°F to 40°F Latitude 25°N to 50°N or 25°S to 50°S Precipitation75 to 150 cm Locations where it can be found: Eastern China, East Coast of United States, and Central Europe (Germany and France) Many migratory birds and animals, larger mammals like bears, elks, deer, and secondary consumers like medium cats and wolves Typical trees are oak, elm, and maple, and a flowering season in the spring, many bushes and shrubbery
Desert (Dry and Tropical) Temperatures: 72°F to 104°F Latitude23.5°N to 23.5 °S Precipitation less than 25 cm Locations where you can find it: Sahara, Gobi, and Arabian Desert Non-Leafy plants (cacti) and plants that will bloom quickly in the short rains they have Typically reptiles and other birds and bugs that seek shelter underground or in burrowed holes
Chaparral Temperatures: Winter 41°F to 50°F Summer 68°F to 104°F Latitude30°N to 50°N Precipitation25 to 45 cm of rain (most in the winter Location where you can find it: Mediterranean Sea Coast and California Very similar to a deciduous forest, with many trees and shrubs, but on a shorter scale and more sparse than a typical forested area Same with the animals, like coyotes, horned toads, and larger jack rabbits