Education Pays Gross income is before paying bills and taxes. Unemployment Rate Educational Attainment MedianWeekly Earning Median Monthly 1.7% Doctoral $1,623 6,492 2.4% Master’s $1,341 5,364 2.8% Bachelor’s $1,137 4,548 3.8% Associate $798 3,192 5.4% HS Graduate $678 2,712 8.0% Drop-out $493 1,972 4.3% All Workers $860 3,440 Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2015
Education Pays
High School Graduation and College Admission Requirements Reseda Regents High School Graduation and College Admission Requirements
Counseling Staff Ms. Ornelas Assistant Principal Mr. Kline A-M & SAS 9-12 Grade Ms. Canchola N-Z & ELD 9-12 Grade Ms. Marquez A-Z College Office (A-2) Ms. Perez A-Z 9-12 Science Magnet Ms. Weiss A-Z 9-12 Police, Law & AMEM Magnets
High School Credits Earn 5 credits for each passed class 10th Grade = 50 credits 11th Grade = 105 credits 12th Grade = 160 credits 210 credits required for graduation Repeating a class that you passed with a “D” or higher earns you zero credit but it helps satisfy college admission requirements for A-G classes.
HS Graduation Requirements 210 credits Good attendance Service-Learning Pass required classes Pass 50 elective credits
4 X 4 Schedule Fall semester will be broken up into two 10 week quarters. Spring semester will be broken up into two 10 week quarters. Fall Spring 1st Quarter=10wks 3rd Quarter=10wks 2nd Quarter=10wks 4th Quarter=10wks
Health One semester Health class is requirement for a LAUSD diploma.
Physical Education 2 years of P.E. is required for a diploma Sports may also count for P.E.
A-G Requirements All classes must be passed with a “C” or higher for 4-year universities. These are the minimum requirements to be eligible for admission to the UC/CSU systems.
A-G Requirements A: 3 years of History B: 4 years of English C: 3 years of Math, 4 years recommended D: 2 years of laboratory Science, 3 years recommended E: 2 years of the same Foreign Language, F: 1 year of same Visual & Performing Art G: 1 year of academic Elective
(A) Social Science: 3 Years World History A/B (Honors or A.P.) U.S. History A/B (Honors or A.P.) Government (A.P.) & Economics (A.P.) One semester each
(B) English: 4 Years English 9 A/B (Honors) English 10 A/B (Honors) American Literature and Contemporary Composition (Honors or A.P.) Emerging Reading/Writing Curriculum=ERWC (A.P.)
(C) Math: 3 Years Algebra I A/B (Honors) Geometry A/B (Honors) Algebra II A/B (Honors) Info. Data Science Math=IDS Math Statistics (A.P.) Calculus A/B & B/C (A.P.)
(D) Science: 2 Years Biological Science A/B (Honors or A.P.) Physical Science A/B (Honors or A.P.) One year of each is minimum requirement Chemistry, Physiology, Physics, Physical Geology, Environmental Science
(E) Foreign Language: 2 Years French Korean Spanish (A.P.) Spanish for Native Speakers (A.P.) Two years of the same language, three years recommended Other languages including ASL available at Pierce Community College
(F)Visual & Performing Arts: 1 Year Drawing Intro Art Cartooning/Animation Beginning Dance Instruments Graphic Design Orchestra Intro. to Engineering Marching Band Design (IED) Theater Workshop
(G) College Prep. Elective The G requirement may be met by taking any additional college prep. class beyond the minimum amount required for a diploma.
Be a Reseda Regent Pass classes with a “C” or higher Great Attendance Get involved in campus life Student Leadership Community Service Sports Clubs
Opportunities to Make-up Credit Adult School M-Th 3-5 or 6-9 pm Saturday School Summer School
Education Pays Gross income is before paying bills and taxes. Unemployment Rate Educational Attainment MedianWeekly Earning MedianMonthly Earning 1.7% Doctoral $1,623 6,492 2.4% Master’s $1,341 5,364 2.8% Bachelor’s $1,137 4,548 3.8% Associate $798 3,192 5.4% HS Graduate $678 2,712 8.0% Drop-out $493 1,972 4.3% All Workers $860 3,440 Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2015
Education Pays
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