Higher education in the Estonian Qualifications Framework


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Presentation transcript:

Higher education in the Estonian Qualifications Framework Aune Valk Tallinn 19.11.2009

Higher education in the qualifications framework (Appendix 1 of the Professions Act: the qualifications framework, levels 6-8) or the qualifications framework of higher education (Appendix 1 of the Standard of Higher Education: Learning outcomes of levels of higher education and their relationships with the qualifications framework

Standard of Higher Education § 6. Requirements towards the curriculum and quality of studies (3) Objectives and outcomes of the curriculum are equivalent and comparable with learning outcomes of levels of higher education as described in Appendix 1 of the present regulation, meet requirements and directions of international legislation regulating the vocational area, and if there is a professional standard, take account of the obtaining and application of skills and knowledge described in it.

Why the Standard of Higher Education? Areas of study, fields of study, groups of curricula Titles of diplomas and academic degrees Quality requirements Volume of work required for the achievement of the level – credit points Accreditation of prior and experiential learning (APEL) Opportunities for further development – work and the next level of studies

The Professions Act – the Standard of Higher Education and European frameworks The Professions Act = EQF Lifelong Learning translation The Standard of Higher Education is not a translation of EQF-EHEA, but takes it into account (in addition to EQF LLL 2007 version, Dublin descriptors, Nordic and American qualifications frameworks in engineering and requirements and reality in Estonia)

Terminology Competence – a complex of knowledge, skills, experiences and attitudes required for successful professional activity (Professions Act) But for further learning? Learning outcomes (learning results) – knowledge, skills and attitudes obtained as a result of learning, which are described at the minimum level in order to pass the curriculum, module or subject course. The achievement of learning outcomes at the level which exceeds the minimum is differentiated by assessment (Standard of Higher Education) But work and life experience…? Competence – a proved ability to use knowledge, skills and personal, social and/or methodical abilities in work or learning situations, and professional and personal development. The EQF context uses concepts of autonomy and accountability in order to describe competence (EQF-LLL) Should it actually be so complicated?

Levels The Standard of Higher Education – “… which are described at the minimum level in order to pass the curriculum, module or subject course. The achievement of learning outcomes at the level which exceeds the minimum is differentiated by assessment.” The Professions Act – does not express levels clearly EQF-EHEA “Learning outcomes should be transparent in terms of whether they describe a minimum threshold or a typical level”. The framework itself describes “the normal achievement by a successful learner”

Ambition (example of Level 6 – first cycle) The Professions Act is probably most ambitious Field of studies (e.g. arts, not: the speciality of painting) Advanced knowledge Complex and unpredictable problems Manages, is responsible for management The Standard of Higher Education and EQF-EHEA at the same level

Ambition (example of Level 6 – first cycle) EQF-LLL translation might be a problem advanced knowledge = süvateadmised, advanced skills = arenenud oskused, complex … problems in a specialised field of … study = konkreetne keeruline … õppesuunaalane probleem manage = juhatab, juhib

Completeness and scope (example of Level 6 – first cycle) The Standard of Higher Education is most detailed and most extensive in terms of topics Gathering and interpreting information (absent from the Professions Act) Communication skills (absent from the Professions Act) Self-development (absent from the Professions Act) Ethics (absent from the Professions Act) Values: tolerance, active participation (absent from the Professions Act and EQF-EHEA) The Standard of Higher Education and EQF-EHEA do not indicate teaching of others

Knowledge töö- või õppesuunaalased süvateadmised, sh põhiline arusaam teooriatest ja põhimõtetest omama süsteemset ülevaadet õppesuuna põhimõistetest, teoreetilistest printsiipidest ja uurimismeetoditest; oskama ära tunda interdistsiplinaarseid seoseid; tundma eriala teoreetilisi koolkondi, arengusuundi ja aktuaalseid probleeme; have demonstrated knowledge and understanding in a field of study that builds upon their general secondary education, and is typically at a level that, whilst supported by advanced textbooks, includes some aspects that will be informed by knowledge of the forefront of their field of study

Problem solving, gathering information meisterlikkust ja novaatorlikkust demonstreerivad arenenud oskused konkreetsete tööalaste või õppesuunaalaste keeruliste ja ettearvamatute probleemide lahendamiseks oskama sõnastada erialaga seotud probleeme ning analüüsida ja hinnata erinevaid lahendusi; oskama kohaseid meetodeid ja vahendeid kasutades iseseisvalt informatsiooni koguda ning seda kriitiliselt ja loovalt tõlgendada; have the ability to gather and interpret relevant data (usually within their field of study) to inform judgements that include reflection on relevant social, scientific or ethical issues;

Management and responsibility juhatab keerulisi tehnilisi või kutsealaseid tegevusi või projekte, võtab vastutuse otsuste langetamise eest ettearvamatutes töö- või õppesituatsioonides mõistma õppesuuna erinevate erialade rakendusalasid; oskama eriala ülesannete lahendamisel valida ja kasutada sobivaid tehnoloogiaid ning meetodeid, muu hulgas olema valmis osalema meeskonnatöös ja seda juhtima; oskama teaduslikke, ühiskondlikke ja eetilisi aspekte arvesse võttes hinnata teadmiste rolli ning oma erialase tegevuse rolli ja tagajärgi ühiskonnas; can apply their knowledge and understanding in a manner that indicates a professional approach to their work or vocation, and have competences typically demonstrated through devising and sustaining arguments and solving problems within their field of study

Self-development and developent of others vastutab üksikisikute ja rühmade kutsealase arendamise juhtimise eest olema suuteline omandatud teadmisi ja oskusi töös rakendama, õpinguid jätkama ning ennast pidevalt iseseisvalt erialaselt ja tööalaselt täiendama. have developed those learning skills that are necessary for them to continue to undertake further study with a high degree of autonomy.

Communication skills Puudub valdama tööks vajalikke suhtlusoskusi ning info- ja kommunikatsioonitehnoloogiaid olema oma õppekeeles ja vähemalt ühes võõrkeeles võimeline erialaga seonduvaid probleeme suuliselt ja kirjalikult selgitama ning erialastes aruteludes osalema can communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialist and non-specialist audiences

Values Puudub olema valmis aktiivselt osalema kodanikuühiskonnas ning suhtuma sallivalt hoiakute ja väärtuste mitmekesisusse

Application Training for curriculum advisers Training on teaching, assessment, APEL … Guidelines for curriculum development Expert assessments Suggested pro forma for self-assessment http://www.hm.ee/index.php?0510584 Curricula launched in autumn 2009 and thereafter are outcome based A new assessment regulation based on learning outcomes Evaluation of curriculum outcomes and the Standard of Higher Education in the course of the so-called transition assessment

Self-assessment – an example of ncomparison Learning outcomes described in the Standard of Higher Education Curriculum: A (references to learning outcomes of the curriculum/ modules/subject courses, teaching methods, study materials etc) To have a systematic overview of the main concepts of the area of study, theoretical principles and research methods. Module of theoretical subjects in general introductory studies: an ability to understand development trends in art, mechanisms and its function in the society. The following subject courses help to gain an overview of main concepts and research problems: Art History I and II, Composition

Thoughts for discussion Professions Act and the Standard of Higher Education are rather different The issue of minimum and average: levels in the Standard of Higher Education are too high for a minimum in reality Applied higher education and bachelor’s programmes: ready for studies and work Application of assessment and grading criteria General and professional competences Evaluation of the achievement of outcomes from 2011