Presentation R&D in Optical Remote Sensing, Radiative Transfer


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Presentation transcript:

Presentation R&D in Optical Remote Sensing, Radiative Transfer Development of advanced algorithms for ocean (water constituents), atmosphere (cloud, aerosol and gases) and continental surfaces monitoring (vegetation, land cover) from space optical sensors (ENVISAT/MERIS, MSG, MODIS...) Customers : Space Agencies (CNES, ESA, EUMETSAT...), Space Data Processing Center/ Research Center, Europe (GMES project), Space industries (Alcatel, CLS), Regional and National Institutions (air quality) 10 people, founded in 2001, located in Lille, France Earth Observation -

Example of applications using MSG/SEVIRI Total suspended matter in the English channel at 15 min time resolution Neukermans G., K. Ruddick, E. Bernard, D. Ramon, B. Nechad, and P.-Y. Deschamps, «Mapping total suspended matter from geostationary satellites: a feasibility study with SEVIRI in the Southern North Sea», Opt. Express, 17, 14029-14052 (2009). Aerosol Optical Thickness, Bernard E., Ramon D., Jolivet D., Moulin C., Riedi J., Deschamps P.-Y., Nicolas J.-M. and Hagolle O., "Aerosol retrieval over land in the 635nm channel of MSG/SEVIRI sensor: a hourly and daily AOT product above Europe", In proceedings of the EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference, 21-25 September 2009, Bath, England. TSM (mg/l) 21/09/2006 8h15-14H30 UT Water reflectance 630 nm Time Earth Observation -

HYGEOS : observation de l'atmosphère et des surfaces Processing satellite data Rayonnement solaire Atmosphere : - Masque nuages : SMAOL - Exploitations de produits EUMETSAT - Épaisseur optique des aérosols: SMAOL (CNES) [Bernard et al., 2011] - Pollution particulaire à la surface: INTERREG/ExPERPF, CERPA - Corrections atmosphériques - Calibration of satellite instruments - Fog detection and nowcasting : PreViBOSS Rayonnement infra rouge Surfaces: - Couleur de l'eau (océan, côtes, ...): Polymer, ANR/GlobCoast - Rayonnement solaire à la surface: FPx/geoland (METEOSAT7) [Elias et al., 2008] - geoland2, FP7/ImagineS Earth Observation -

HYGEOS : observation de l'atmosphère et des surfaces Atmosphere : - Validation de produits satellite - Surveillance des poussières désertiques et feux de forêt [Elias et al., 2003 ; 2006] - Production électrique, ressource solaire - Fog and radiative budget: PreViBOSS Processing ground-based data Passive remote sensing of the column: radiometers Earth Observation -

HYGEOS : observation of atmosphere and surface - Aerosols and extinction of visible radiation: PreViBOSS - Validation of air quality indicators - Instrumental development Processing ground-based data - In situ sounding: visibilimeters, particle counters, particle mass - Active remote sensing: ceilometers Earth Observation -

HYGEOS : observation de l'atmosphère et des surfaces Radiative Transfer Data base management Atmosphere and surface: - Processing satellite data - design of satellite missions Earth Observation -

Application: Fog . Evaluation of EUMETSAT/NWCSAF cloud type product . forecasting of fog type: exploitation of EUMETSAT/NWCSAF cloud type product: . Application of Cermak and Bendix method: SIRTA ? Dubai ? . Improvement of Cermak and Bendix method: infra red for night, sza > 70° for high latritude winter . Sounding of mist made of hydrated aerosols (or sounding of radiative impact of mist) . Fog formation process: Temporal evolution of cloud cover . Fog formation process: Impact of mist on radiative budget . Fog dissipation process: impact of solar heating . Forecasting of fog type: telemeter+visibilimeter for RAD and STL . Forecasting of fog: temperature, ceilometer, wind, ... . Fog dissipation: fog opacity modulated by aerosols and droplet size . Fog formation process: Mist thickness ? Earth Observation -

Questions: 3 types of fog observed at SIRTA: What ensemble of predictors, acquired by operational instruments (gb+sat) ? Exploiting existing network: ceilometer, air quality, radiometer, ... ? What ensemble of predictors, concerning particle properties ? New instrumentation with quantified benefits ? What scores if we use only satellite data ? Where are observed these fogs ? In what conditions our results are applicable ? What observed parameters to constrain numerical modelling ? Other types of fog: mountains, maritime, ice droplets, advective, ... And other causes for very low visibility: pollution, smog, desert dust: Requiring to acquire further data ? Operational system: What operators (airports, harbours, road traffic, solar energy suppliers, ...) ? Association observation-based nowcasting and numerical forecasting ? 0-6 h / 3-72 h, local / continental, Which solution ? Earth Observation -