Analyze and Evaluate an Advertisement (Anti-Smoking) Presented by: XXXXXXX ID: XXXXXXXXX Instructor: XXXXXXXXXX
OUTLINE Background of the Advertisement. The advertisement. Persuasion tactics. Effectiveness. Summary.
Background of the Advertisement About a women who has throat cancer. The length is 31 seconds. The ad describes how smoking can cause throat cancer. Aimed at young and old people of all races who smoke cigarettes.
The Advertisement
Persuasion Tactics The face of the women in the ad is scary. The fact that if we did not stop smoking that will happen to us. The scary music in the ad. The ad is so realistic and touches the humans Feelings.
Persuasion Tactics Repeating the word cancer tow times in the ad because people afraid from cancer. In this ad the woman makes hasty conclusions by saying that smoke cause cancer without giving any evidence. At the end of this ad the woman give the people False Dilemma by………….
Effectiveness The advertisement have a lot of effectiveness because of the idea that it gives people. It would be more effective if they have shown the women dead or in hospital when the ad is taken. The cigarettes doesn’t appear at all they should have put it there to remained people. The advertisement could show the poisons contained in a cigarettes.
Summary If you want to do an effective ad remember: The story of the ad should be meaningful. The music should mach up whit the ad. Showing real people in life give you more effectiveness. The ad should be small, effective, and understandable.