Welcome to Lakeview High School 9th Grade Orientation 2011-12
Purpose of Orientation 9th graders contribute for the highest number of High School drop outs- (NHSC, March 2007) 1. Provide you with information that will help you in the transition to High School. 2. Provide you with information so that you can begin preparing for your future plans.
Graduation Requirements English 40 credits Mathematics 30 credits Social Studies Science Physical Education 5 credits Computer Keyboarding Information Processing 5 credits Speech Intro Health Careers and Personal Finance 10 credits Electives 75 credits TOTAL: 240 Credits
Basic Freshman Schedule Required Courses English 9 Math-Pre-Algebra, Algebra I, Geometry Physical Science Keyboarding/Physical Education World Civilization 2 electives or 1 elective and a SH These are the required classes needed for Freshman to stay on track for graduation.
Electives Intro. to Environmental & Ag Science Band Art Intro I and Art Intro II Vocal Performance (Audition) Vocal Music Drama I and Drama II Spanish I Welding I and Welding II Wood Tech I and Wood Tech II Science Research Physical Training Title I ESL Study Hall
University Requirements English 4 units Mathematics 4 units Social Studies 3 units Natural Sciences 3 units Foreign Language 2 units Additional Requirements 1 unit Total Units 17 units This also satisfies the NCAA Clearinghouse Requirements
University Admissions In addition to the previous requirements a student must have a minimum ACT score of 20 Or be ranked in the upper half of his or her class. Lakeview does offer the John Baylor Test Prep Course prior to the October and April Test dates.
Community College Requirements Have a diploma or GED Take an ASSET/Compass Test-This is a free test given at the community college. 2-Years of good academic standing at a community college will grant admissions to a University or a 4-year school without an ACT score.
Scholarships and Financial Aid Scholarships are based on Grades, ACT Scores, GPA’s, Class Rank, and Activities. Scholarships are much work—there is no thing as free money. What a student does prior to his or her senior year impacts scholarship awards.
What can you do as a Freshman to start planning for college? Plan out your High School courses, including dual credit courses. Lakeview is now offering English Composition, Intro to Literature, College Algebra, and Gen. Biology 101 dual credit courses. All grades from the 9th grade on, influence your overall GPA. Colleges and future employers will look at your GPA when reviewing your applications. School and extra-curricular activities are important in order to get accepted at most universities. Participate in as many activities as you can.
Freshman planning continued School and extra-curricular activities are important in order to get accepted at most universities. Participate in as many activities as you can. Discuss college costs with your family. There are some college cost calculators on the www.collegeanswer.com, web site. Think about what you want as a career. You can find information on jobs at www.education.ne.gov/nce or www.bls.gov/oco.
Web Resources to help you plan: www.actstudent.org- includes information about the ACT test and college application information. www.collegeboard.com- Great site covering every aspect of getting ready for college www.huffingtonpost.com/news/college-rankings.com- A college rankings page that ranks schools based on social, sports, and other appealing aspects of college campus/life.
Web Resources continued: www.finaid.org- Lots of resources and tips for finding financial aid and the right college. www.college.gov- Federal Student Aid sponsored college preparation site. Visit here to learn anything you might need to know about college prep and apply for Federal Aid. www.kaarme.com- Contains a scholarship search service that, unlike many other sites, does not require a registration.
Web Resources continued: www.careersandcolleges.com- Information on planning for a career and seeking out colleges. www.educationquest.org- Provides free college planning services.
Student Organizations FBLA FFA Band FCA National Honor Society Mock Trial Science Club Student Council Science Olympiad One-Act Speech Language Club YFC Journalism Yearbook Cheerleading/Dance Viking Voices
Sports Volleyball Softball Football Golf Cross Country Basketball Wrestling Soccer Track Pay to play- $35 per NSAA activity up to a maximum of $140.
Grading System 93-100 A 86-92 B 78-85 C 70-77 D 69 and Below F Distinction Average of 93% overall Honor Roll Average of 90% overall
Attendance Daily attendance is of extreme importance for student success. A student absences totaling up to 9 per semester may be considered excused if the student’s parent or guardian notifies the school. (See student handbook) It is the student’s responsibility to contact their teachers or classmates for makeup work.
Schedule See handout Viking Time- (Common Time) Each student is assigned to a Viking Time teacher. They generally will have this Viking Time teacher all 4 years of High School. 11-13 students per teacher. Purpose- 1.) Help build relationships 2.) Allows a common time for activity groups to meet. 3.) Provides student study time during the scheduled day. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.
ISDF “Increase Success, Decrease Failure” Thursday and Friday- ISDF period. Students on failing list will stay with Viking Time teacher and will go to ISDF period to receive the academic support, encouragement, time and access needed to help them get off the failing list. Students not on the list are dismissed at 3:05pm.
PowerSchool http://www.lakeviewcs.esu7.org/ Schedule Grades Lunch Account- monitor lunch account Make checks out to Lakeview Community Schools to replenish for lunch account. Attendance