Closing the Gap raising the bar Who is f a l ling through the c r a c k s?
The good news...the high school drop out rate in the United States has been on a steady decline from 14% in 1980 to 11% in 2000 to 8% in 2008. Source: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics
The not so good news... the graduation rate in the United States has started to decline for the past two years. This means that for every 10 high school students, 3 will drop out. This is 1.3 million students each year that do not graduate. Source: Education Week, June 2, 2010
Minnesota Graduation & Drop Out Information The bad news... the graduation rate for Caucasian students is 75%, however, it is only 50% for African American students. “The achievement gap in this state is one of the largest, if not the largest, in the country. That is not something anyone should take pride in.” ~ U.S. Secretary of Education A. Duncan comments on achievement gap in Minnesota. Minnesota Graduation & Drop Out Information Source: Education Week, June 2, 2010
U.S. Event Drop Out Rates - Oct. 2008 Characteristic Drop Out Rate # of Drop Outs GENDER Female 4.0 216,000 Male 3.1 174,000 ETHNICITY Caucasian 2.3 156,000 Black/African American 6.4 106,000 Hispanic/Latino 5.3 101,000 Asian/Pacific Islander 17,000 FAMILY INCOME Low 8.7 132,000 Middle 3.0 196,000 High 2.0 61,000 AGE 15-16 2.4 74,000 17 118,000 18 3.6 19 4.9 40,000 20-24 14.9 51,000 The event dropout rate estimates the percentage of high school students who left high school between the beginning of one school year and the beginning of the next without earning a high school diploma or an alternative credential (e.g., a GED). Source: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics
Dropping Out Bring Your A Game Whatever It Takes.... Check out how some individuals are addressing the crisis of dropping out. Dropping Out Bring Your A Game
No significant learning can occur with a significant relationship. ~ James Comer