Pray in the Spirit Ephesians 6:18-20.


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Presentation transcript:

Pray in the Spirit Ephesians 6:18-20

In the midst of spiritual warfare… Pray in the Spirit To pray in the Spirit means to let our prayers be Spirit directed. In other words pray for what the God’s Holy Spirit would desire for you to pray instead of what your spirit would want you to say. And to pray for things the Spirit would be concerned most about.

Pray in the Spirit “And He, when He comes, will convict the world concerning sin, and righteousness, and judgment;” John 16:8 Concerning sin, because they do not believe in Jesus. Concerning righteousness, because they have not seen Jesus. Concerning judgment, because they are not aware that those who oppose God will be judged just like Satan has already been judged.

In the midst of spiritual warfare… Pray in the Spirit The Holy Spirit would have you pray for the Lord’s will to be done. Matthew 6:9-10 The phrase, “on earth as it is in heaven” be applied to the prior 3 phrases hallowed be your name on earth as it is in heaven your kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven your will be done on earth as it is in heaven

In the midst of spiritual warfare… Pray in the Spirit We need to pray concerning the salvation of all the Lord’s people. The scripture says that we need to pray all kinds of prayers. Adoration; Confession; Thanksgiving; Supplications Prayers of repentance, intercession, forgiveness, guidance

Pray in the Spirit Verse 18 tells us, “to be alert.” Jesus said, “Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the body is weak.”—Matthew 26:41 All of us are under attack and susceptible to attack from Satan. “If you spend time praying for people instead of talking about them, you’ll get better results.” —unknown

In the midst of spiritual warfare… Pray for our leaders. Paul asked the church in Ephesus to pray for him. That he would make known the mystery of the gospel of Christ with boldness or fearlessly. And that he would speak boldly what he ought to speak. He wanted to speak confidently, say what needed to be said and say it correctly.

Pray for our leaders Pray for the Evangelist and Elders The Apostles may have been inspired, but they were not incorruptible or unsusceptible to the attacks and temptations of Satan. I think that many times we take our leaders for granted and think that they are incorruptible and unsusceptible to the attacks of Satan. We need to remember that they are not. And we need to pray for them. They need encouraged, they need shepherded, they need to be guarded. Satan will attack the leaders to scatter the sheep.

In the midst of spiritual warfare… We must pray for that which is greater. Notice that Paul did not ask for the church at Ephesus to pray that he be released from prison. Instead he asked that they pray for him to be bold as an ambassador in chains. Paul was preaching the gospel to Rome while he was in chains.

Pray for that which is greater Notice that in the Lord’s prayer there is no mention of praying for physical healing. And that we never see the Apostles praying for physical healing. Also, notice that in scripture it is never prayed for us to never undergo persecution, but instead to help us endure persecution. We need to pray in the Spirit.

Pray for that which is greater The family that prays together stays together. And that has to be more than just around the dinner table. Don’t shy away from the hard topics in front of the children. Teach them to pray for those things which are greater.

In the midst of spiritual warfare… Pray for that which is greater “Regardless of our desires and our ideas as to how things should happen we are to accept that God’s will may not be our will, but that we will still remain faithful no matter the answer He gives.”—Tim Postle

“Before you connect with the world connect with the Lord.”--unknown