Patient hade ocular trauma Name the sign 2 ocular complications Same pic that we have in the exam
Forgot the Q but the answer bitemporal heminopia Where is the lesion Same pic that we have in the exam
Describe what you see What is the most likely diagnosis Same pic that we have in the exam
diagnosis Name 2 complication of surgery
Post cataract surgery patient came with red , painful eye with decrease vision What is the diagnosis Management
Diagnosis Name 2 causes
Patient visit uvitis clinic Diagnosis Name 2 other manifestations It wasn’t clear in the exam , BE CAREFUL
It was the exact picture. A YZ11D direct ophthalmoscope. Q. What is the magnification? A. x15 (not sure about this really). Q. Mention 2 characteristics of the image produced. A. Right image (not inverted), mono-ocular vision, high magnification, narrow area.
Diagnosis What is the treatment and when
Q about eye anatomy it was clear Q about retinal detachment (can’t recall it ) Prime in a front of child eye What is the instrument Used for what
9 y-o boy present with recurrent epstaxis and nasal obstruction Diagnosis Investigations Same pic that we have in the exam
Patient present with sever ear each , deafness , vertigo Diagnosis Type of hearing loss
Diagnosis Causative organism
Name 2 indication Name 2 complication
Diagnosis Name 2 causes
Diagnosis Treatment
Investigation Most likely diagnosis
Name of the procedure Most common complication
Name A,B,C,D C = area b/w true And False vocal Cord . Pls find the name
Good Luck D3watkum