Let’s start with a game Census 2010 and Beyond Slide Sources: U.S. Census Bureau data, except where noted. Census 2010 and Beyond
Big Targets – Household Single-moms Single-person Married couples 55.8m 31.2m 14.5m Census 2010 and Beyond
Big Targets – Geographic Population of the six New England states California (37.2m) 11m Census 2010 and Beyond
Big Targets – Racial/Ethnic Hispanics (50.5m) Census 2010 and Beyond
Big Targets – Generational Boomers (80m) Census 2010 and Beyond
Big Targets – Generational Millennials (85m) Census 2010 and Beyond
Combined Population of VT, ND, SD, AK DE, MT, RI and Wash. DC Big Targets – Behavioral Combined Population of VT, ND, SD, AK DE, MT, RI and Wash. DC 9m 9.5m Census 2010 and Beyond
Combining demos for smaller targets: Gender: Male Age: 35-44 Race: White Ethnicity: Non-Hispanic Hometown: Detroit Education: BS Income: Upper 20% Earners in HH: 2 HH Type: Married/kids HH size: 5 (3 under 3) Census 2010 and Beyond
Small Targets – One Census 2010 and Beyond
What do we know? What kind of job do I have? Do I own/rent? What online profiles do I have? What do I watch on TV? What do I drive? Census 2010 and Beyond
Sweet ride, dude! Census 2010 and Beyond
Census 2010 and Beyond
Big Numbers from 2010 Census 50.5 million population (16.3% pop. 11.2% hh) 17 states > 10% 35 states > 5% Population growth = Hispanic/minority growth Nearly 2 out of 3 born in the U.S.A. (big shift from 1990) Census 2010 and Beyond
Census 2010 and Beyond
Census 2010 and Beyond
It’s not all Spanish and Futbol Native / non-native English and non-English # generations in U.S. Census 2010 and Beyond
Millennials Census 2010 and Beyond
Big Targets – Generational Millennials (85m) Census 2010 and Beyond
Millennials in the workplace 37% percent of out of the workforce 10% recently lost a job. 60% of employed Millennials already have switched careers (7 jobs in 20s) 2m graduates under age 30 were mal-employed 41% are in jobs unrelated to their majors Want flexibility and communication Sources: Pew Research, http://www.chicagotribune.com/business/ct-biz-0420-malemployment-20110419,0,4017296.story, Data compiled by Andrew Sum, director of the Center for Labor Market Studies at Northeastern University; “How the Recession Shaped Millennial and Hiring Manager Attitudes about Millennials’ Future Careers,” Levit & Licina/Career Advisory Board Census 2010 and Beyond
http://abacusdata.ca/what-we-do/millennials-research-and-strategy/are-canadian-millennials-spoiled-and-lazy-older-generations-think-so/ Census 2010 and Beyond
What you might not expect Not just helicopter parents: Gen-Y like to the helicopter, too. (OMD) Big changes in education and gender Not all digital: Nearly 60% of Millennials find out about products on TV, first. (OMD) Census 2010 and Beyond
Trends impacting Millennials and Hispanics Census 2010 and Beyond
Trend: Slow household formation U.S. had smallest HH growth of last 30 years Lagging population growth Millennials: Shaking up (+14%) Shifting ideas of marriage, economy Multi-gen Households Millennials: Living with mom and dad Economic and Generational factors Hispanics: More cultural than economic Census 2010 and Beyond
“Failure to Launch” Life-stages Finish school Move out Become independent Get married Have kids http://pewresearch.org/pubs/1920/millennials-value-parenthood-over-marriage http://www.nytimes.com/2010/08/22/magazine/22Adulthood-t.html?scp=1&sq=%22What%20is%20it%20about%2020-somethings?%22%20August%202010&st=cse Census 2010 and Beyond
Census 2010 and Beyond
Trend: Both highly digital Source: Pew Research Census 2010 and Beyond
Social media/mobile Census 2010 and Beyond http://www.nmincite.com/?p=4383 Census 2010 and Beyond
Social Media Demographics Source: Ad Age research based on data from Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn and the U.S. Census Bureau Census 2010 and Beyond
Overshare 80% of Millennials will learn about your company on the Web. You’ll learn about them on the Web, too. Photo: 666ismoney, creative commons/flickr http://www.flickr.com/photos/666_is_money/3075524599/sizes/z/in/photostream/ Census 2010 and Beyond
Facebook Ads targeted by: Geography big and small Age Education Employer Gender Marital Status Language Family formation Broad/Detailed Interests Chart source: Comscore Share of online display ads Census 2010 and Beyond
Creepy, eh? Census 2010 and Beyond
Diversity? Census 2010 and Beyond Mentions in a Google Books search of the word “diversity” Census 2010 and Beyond
@mcarmichael, @adagestat Questions? Matt Carmichael mcarmichael@adage.com @mcarmichael, @adagestat Census 2010 and Beyond