IAPA’s Work with PAHO’s Health, Safety & Well-Being Committee established August 2008 Elaine Posluns Senior Strategy Advisor, Corporate Development IAPA
PAHO’s Health, Safety & Wellness Committee Elaine Posluns Canadian Collaborating Centres Workshop Ottawa Oct.2009
HQ in Washington, D.C. Belize Jamaica Peru Equador Members represent: Elaine Posluns Canadian Collaborating Centres Workshop Ottawa Oct.2009
Role of the PAHO Health, Safety & Well-Being Committee (GIB #hq/fo-08-54) Identify health & well-being issues existing in PAHO’s work environment or with PAHO employees Make recommendations on specific actions to improve the working environment of all staff and to promote the involvement of all staff in health and safety issues Provide technical expertise on well-being related policies directed at employee well-being or safety Report to management on identified problems and progress on improving workplace health and safety Elaine Posluns Canadian Collaborating Centres Workshop Ottawa Oct.2009
Process Needs assessment: identified need for Strategic Planning with Committee Met with PAHO’s Well-being Committee to get commitment to a broader scope (2 new concepts) Workshop to enhance their health & safety knowledge, complete an internal situational analysis (info re status of employees at PAHO), hear best practices, and build terms of reference, vision, strategy, action plan Task Groups developed to work on developing action plan, timeline, budget Hiring of Consultant to take leadership role in implementing the action plan Elaine Posluns Canadian Collaborating Centres Workshop Ottawa Oct.2009
Three Avenues of Influence Physical Work Environment: where traditional occupational health and safety hazards (for example, chemical, musculoskeletal, electrical, and machine hazards) are recognized, assessed and controlled Personal Health Resources: the resources, opportunities, and flexibility the organization provides in support of employees' efforts to improve/maintain their personal health practices Organizational Culture:…the attitudes, values, and beliefs that are demonstrated in the workplace on a daily basis that affect the mental and physical well-being of employees Elaine Posluns Canadian Collaborating Centres Workshop Ottawa Oct.2009
Example…Office Ergonomics: Three Avenues of Influence Policy on rest breaks Reasonable workload Flexible hours Training on adjusting the workstation Stretching exercises Fitness classes Need to integrate the 3 avenues. Here’s an example of what could be done re office ergonomics Ergonomic chair Document holder Keyboard and mouse tray Elaine Posluns Canadian Collaborating Centres Workshop Ottawa Oct.2009
Managing Health & Safety: WSIB’s Model . Program Elements: LEADERSHIP Health & safety policy Objectives Orientation Safe purchasing ; ORGANIZATION Roles and responsibilities Health, Safety & Well-Being Committee Supervisory Competence HAZARD RECOGNITION AND ASSESSMENT Incident investigations Workplace Inspection Hazard Reporting Task Analysis Records Review and Analysis Indoor Air Quality Testing Sound Exposure Testing Ergonomic Assessments MSD Prevention/Ergonomic CONTROL ACTIVITIES Housekeeping and Organizing Proper lighting for tasks Violence Emergency Response Plan Fall protection Motor vehicle Incident prevention First Aid Return to work Elaine Posluns Canadian Collaborating Centres Workshop Ottawa Oct.2009
Risk Assessment Matrix Minimal Serious Severe Critical Highly Likely C B A Likely Possible D Unlikely SEVERITY P R O B A I L T Y In the workshop, we introduced the concept of a risk-based approach which is based on the probability (likelihood) and severity Elaine Posluns Canadian Collaborating Centres Workshop Ottawa Oct.2009
Vision: The PAHO Health, Safety, and Well-being Committee envisions a workplace environment and conditions that address physical, biological, chemical, psychosocial, and mental risks to support the health, safety, and well-being of all PAHO personnel, and optimize their unique competencies and talents. Participants decided to include both psychosocial and mental health, as it is refers to two different concepts based on the WHO latest position. Also, the term “personnel” was used instead of “staff” as it includes all those working at PAHO, independent of their contract status. Elaine Posluns Canadian Collaborating Centres Workshop Ottawa Oct.2009
Proposed Action Plan 2009-2010 1. Develop a comprehensive health, safety, and well-being policy, and program to include occupational health, safety, and well-being standards, measuring criteria/indicators, an implementation plan, evaluation mechanism, and resources… 2. Develop and implement an emergency mechanism to identify, record, and respond to all critical hazards… data collection system 3. Require that health, safety, and well-being be an element included in human resources performance reviews and the recruitment/hiring process. 4. Develop a communication strategy that is participatory and broad-based across the organization (all country offices and centers as well as other stakeholders). 5. Analyze best practices in health, safety, and well-being programs, policies, and initiatives, as well as use existing data on personnel health, safety, and well-being concerns to inform appropriate responses. 6. Mobilize one technical personnel member to carry out and help supervise the daily operations of the Committee… 7. Monitor the work of the Committee and the health, safety, and well-being status of PAHO personnel This initiative must build a comprehensive program, policy, and conducive organizational environment in which personnel are free, supported, and encouraged to take advantage of workplace health, safety, and well-being initiatives. In addition, the Committee will work as a team with all levels of management to respond to personal wellness needs and wants and take action for prevention. 2. This emergency mechanism will be part of a routine data collection system for physical, biological, chemical, psychosocial, and mental hazards in the work environment, and data systematically collected and evaluated to devise appropriate intervention strategies. Elaine Posluns Canadian Collaborating Centres Workshop Ottawa Oct.2009
HS&WBC will focus on 3 avenues of influence and integrate them Strategies: HS&WBC will provide guidance and input to HR Management and Executive Management to develop and implement a health, safety and well-being plan HS&WBC will focus on 3 avenues of influence and integrate them HS&WBC will use a risk-based approach HS&WBC will develop a health & safety & well-being program to ensure continuity and maintenance of the program Concern about “fad of the month” and just doing awareness sessions or skewing it to wellness only. Elaine Posluns Canadian Collaborating Centres Workshop Ottawa Oct.2009
Rolling out to the regional areas Meetings/training of committee Challenges In a large, spread-out organization like PAHO, no full-time h&s position Budget is miniscule Rolling out to the regional areas Meetings/training of committee Maintaining the momentum Another critical aspect of the Committee is extending its scope by formalizing local representation at every PAHO office and center, including each office building in Washington, DC. The development of Committees at each PAHO country office and center will ensure that the Committee has the capacity to efficiently respond to the health, safety, and well-being issues of all personnel. This workshop clearly demonstrated that each PAHO country office is shaped by distinct needs, and that the regional committee in HQ must focus on PAHO’s Washington, DC offices while local committees focus on their own country offices. To effectively function as a Committee, it is a priority that the flow of information between the regional and local committees is systematized. One technical person may be mobilized to help develop this process and others as outlined in the proposed action plan. Elaine Posluns Canadian Collaborating Centres Workshop Ottawa Oct.2009
The PAHO Dynamo Dr. Maritza Tennassee Elaine Posluns Canadian Collaborating Centres Workshop Ottawa Oct.2009