Part Four U.S. Reconstruction
13th, 14th , 15th Amendments 13th: Abolished Slavery in the United States. 14th: Gave citizenship to all people born or naturalized in the United States, and equal protection under the law. 15th: Gave African American MEN the right to vote. (That’s right ladies…NO woman-white or African American- could vote)
Emancipation Proclamation This decree freed all slaves in all Confederate states. Texas did not consider themselves to be under U.S. rule at this time, so they ignored the proclamation. On June 19, 1865, Union forces forced Texas to accept the new law, effectively freeing all slaves on that day. This day is now celebrated as Juneteenth in Texas.
Freedmen’s Bureau Created by the U.S. Congress to help newly freed slaves adjust to free life. It provided food, shelter, and medicine. Helped people find jobs. Helped them in court as the slavery argument continued. Created schools for African Americans.
Johnson’s Plan For Reconstruction Andrew Johnson became president after Abraham Lincoln was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth only days after the Civil War ended. Johnson was a Democrat who had supported the Union and also slavery. His plan had four parts: States had to end slavery. States had to declare their secession as an illegal act. States had to cancel all war debts. Adult white males had to pledge loyalty to the U.S. to get the right to vote. He also called for a new constitutional convention.
Pre and Post-War Currency After Secession, the Confederacy printed its own currency. After the Civil War, that currency was worthless. During the war, prices for most goods sky-rocketed. In the South: CW-One dozen eggs: $6.00 Today- $1.00 CW-Gallon of milk: $48.00 Today-$3.00 CW-Pound of coffee:$12.00 Today-$4.00
Texas and Reconstruction Part Five Texas and Reconstruction
Texas Constitution of 1866 A series of Amendments. Ended slavery in Texas. Refused to adopt the 13th Amendment, making slavery illegal in the U.S. Also denied civil rights to African Americans. (Right to vote, etc.)
Black Codes Texas enacted Black Codes. Made African Americans second-class citizens. African Americans were not allowed to vote, hold public office, or serve on a jury.
Ku Klux Klan (KKK) An organization whose aim was to restore Democratic control of the South and keep slavery intact. Used violence and terrorism as their tactics. They were unsuccessful in keeping former slaves from registering to vote.
Texas Constitution of 1869 Declared the Constitution of the United States the law. Did away with Black Codes. Accepted the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments. Texas is readmitted to the Union on March 8, 1870.
Texas Constitution of 1876 Took away some of the power of the office of the governor and legislature. Set aside land grants for public education. Provide homestead and railroad grants. Still stands as our current constitution. Has been amended over 400 times!