Case Study example – 12 marks (+3 SPaG) Examine how far migration influences the growth and character of cities in LIDCs or EDCs. Use case study knowledge in your answer. GCSE A This is a 12 mark question which is split evenly between AO1 (knowledge), AO2 (understanding) and AO3 (application). The question asks for students to use case study knowledge in their answer – and so this automatically means that there will be AO1 (knowledge) marks. The question includes ‘migration’ and ‘growth and character of cities’ which are both conceptual and require understanding (AO2). The command of ‘Examine how far’ indicates that application (AO3) will be required as students will need to develop their answer beyond what they have learnt in the specification. Level 4 (10–12 marks) An answer at this level demonstrates comprehensive knowledge of how migration influences the growth and character of cities (AO1) and comprehensive understanding of the concepts of migration and growth and character of cities (AO2). There will be a comprehensive evaluation of how far migration influences the growth and character of cities (AO3). This will be shown by including well-developed ideas about the concepts of migration and growth and character in the cities and how migration influences the growth and character of cities. The answer must also include place-specific details for the named LIDC/EDC city.
Case Study example – 8 marks CASE STUDY – ways of life in cities. Examine how ways of life vary within one LIDC or EDC city. Name of LIDC or EDC city: GCSE B An 8 mark question which is split evenly between AO1 (knowledge) and AO3 (application). A case study question which means that there will be marks for AO1. In this instance ways of life within an LIDC or EDC city is the focus of the question from the case study. Place-specific details must be included in the answer. In the specification students ‘explore the ways of life in the city, such as culture, ethnicity, housing, leisure and consumption’. The specification does not ask for how ways of life vary within the case study city and by examining this students are developing material beyond the specification – one of the three ways application must be assessed. Level 3 (6–8 marks) An answer at this level demonstrates thorough knowledge of the ways of life in the LIDC or EDC city (AO1) with a thorough evaluation of how the ways of life vary within the city (AO3). This will be shown by including well-developed ideas about the ways of life in the LIDC or EDC city and how the ways of life vary. The answer must also include place-specific details for the named city.
Command Words
SPAG The following guidance was issued in 2014 to Exam Boards from JCQ: The use of 0 (zero) marks. 0 marks should be awarded when The candidate writes nothing; The candidate’s response bears no relation to the question; The candidate's achievement in SPaG does not reach the threshold performance level, for example errors in spelling, punctuation and grammar severely hinder meaning. For 1 mark it has to be in the context of the question.
Nile Delta – AS / A level Additional resource,%20Yo...
Exam and Assessment practice ‘Chunking up’ questions e.g. command terms, stems, topic content and tariff (how much to write). See slide 8 Getting to grips with assessment objectives (what are the questions getting at) – teachers Timed questions – graduate to actual time period in examinations (*extended response) Levels grid at start of mark schemes – what are examiners looking for? See slide 7 Working up mark scheme answers to full responses for students to mark and annotate.
Marking Guidance AS / A level example) At the beginning of each mark scheme the following table is included to help you understand the level based mark scheme. The wording in each level (from basic to comprehensive) indicates how answers develop and progress within each assessment objective.
Levels of response Quality of extended response will be assessed in this question * Command word indicates analysis and evaluation (making a judgement) are needed in the students answer Knowledge and understanding of the effects of climate change on oceans The focus of the question requires students to judge whether there are more opportunities than threats * A Level Geographical Debates question exemplar