What has the Industrial Revolution ever done for us?
Lesson Objectives: Develop understanding of the inventions of the Industrial Revolution and how they came about. Evaluate which invention had the biggest impact and explain why.
Richard Arkwright (textiles) Responsible for inventing the ‘spinning frame’ which was later renamed the ‘waterframe.’ Created a ‘carding’ engine that changed cotton into yarn. Combined power, semi-skilled labour and machinery to mass produce yarn.
Matthew Boulton English entrepreneur and business partner of James Watt. During the 18th century, thousands of ‘Boulton and Watt’ Steam engines had been installed. This allowed the mechanisation of factories and the mills. A key member of the Lunar society - prominent organisation in the arts, sciences and theology.
James Watt A Scottish inventor and mechanical engineer responsible for helping to design and build the steam engine. Developed the concept of Horsepower.
John Cadbury Wealthy businessman and philanthropist. Manufactured the production of drinking chocolate and cocoa. As a social reformer, he campaigned against the use of young boys to sweep chimneys.
Abraham Darby English Quaker who developed the production of pig iron in a blast furnace using coke instead of charcoal. This made the whole production process so much cheaper and more efficient. His discovery led to the first Ironbridge in Coalbrookdale, Shropshire.
Thomas Wedgewood Often referred to as the pioneer of photography. Devised a repeatable method of chemically staining an object's silhouette to paper by coating the paper with silver nitrate and exposing the paper, with the object on top, to natural light, then preserving it in a dark room.
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