Strategy Review for the ACT Mr. Dreeson
English Section Look for clues Eliminate wrong answers No Change: ¼ of the time DELETE the underlined portion: high probability of being right 36 seconds per question
Reading Section Do easy passages first Correct answers often hidden through phrasing Eliminate wrong answers Often answer questions without reading passage 52.5 seconds per question
Reading Strategies Find critical words/phrases in answer choices, then in passage Skim, then Write Brief notes Note special question types (EXCEPT/NOT/LEAST; Vocab in context
Traps Deceptive answers Switches Extreme answer choices Avoid “too nice” responses
Math 60 minutes, 60 questions, 1 minute per question 33 Algebra 23 Geometry 4 Trigonometry Do easy questions (few step) first POE on partial answers No penalty for wrong answers!
Science Reasoning 7 passages (40 questions total) 3 charts and graph passages 3 experiments passages 1 fighting scientists passage Do hardest passages last No science knowledge necessary 52.5 seconds per question
Charts and Graphs Look at variables and units Scan bar graphs Know four coordinate graphs Linear Curves Scatter Flat Lines
Experiments Identify research objective Follow procedure, identify variables Study the results Identify controls (comparison standard) Identify assumptions
Fighting Scientists Make a map of arguments Do one side at a time, don’t pick a side! Identify differences in viewpoints Save for last: questions on more than one theory Do every question!