Are You Knowledgeable about the Coming Glory and Kingdom?


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Presentation transcript:

Are You Knowledgeable about the Coming Glory and Kingdom? 2 Samuel 7:1-16; Daniel 2:44-45; Daniel 7:13-14; Revelation 20:1-6

Millennium (Millennium comes from the two Latin words mille – thousand, annum – year; it refers to the thousand year kingdom of Christ on earth.)

Than Shwe Omar al-Bashir Kim Jong-il Islam Karimov Robert Mugabe

What is the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word ‘millennium’?

The Pre-Millennial View (Christ will return before and in order to Eternity The Pre-Millennial View (Christ will return before and in order to Establish and Rule Over the Millennium) Second Coming - Revelation 19 Rapture 7-year Tribulation Millennium 1,000-year Rule of Christ on Earth

The Post-Millennial View (Christ will return after the Millennium) Eternity The Post-Millennial View (Christ will return after the Millennium) No 7-year Tribulation The present age is the Kingdom General Resurrection General Judgments No 1,000-year Kingdom Second Coming

The A-Millennial (Realized)View Eternity The A-Millennial (Realized)View (The Millennium is Spiritual - not Literal) No 7-year Tribulation No 1,000-year Kingdom Second Coming General Resurrection General Judgments

DISCUSSION GUIDE 1. How was David’s plan much smaller than the plan of God in (2 Samuel 7:1-11)? God was going to establish an eternal kingdom not a temporary building.

DISCUSSION GUIDE 2. Have you ever made plans that were much smaller than God’s plan? When? What happened?

DISCUSSION GUIDE 3. What are the characteristics of God’s kingdom as outlined in (II Sam. 7:12-16)? a. (v. 12) The king will be a descendent of David b. (v. 13) The kingdom will last forever c. (v. 14) The king is the Son of God d. (v. 14-15) He will suffer but God’s love will not depart from Him e. (v. 16) The throne and the kingdom will be for eternity

DISCUSSION GUIDE 4. Earthly kings are temporary; God’s King Jesus is forever. How should you live with confident hope knowing you serve a forever King?

DISCUSSION GUIDE 5. What does (Daniel 2:44-45) teach about the reliability of the coming Kingdom of God? The Kingdom of God will destroy all others and it is indestructible and eternal.

DISCUSSION GUIDE 6. How does (Daniel 7:13-14) offer great hope for the future for all Christ-followers? Christ is the ruling authority and has all honor and sovereignty. He is eternal.

DISCUSSION GUIDE 7. How should a Christ-follower live now in light of these promises?

He is locked in the abyss and his evil is contained. DISCUSSION GUIDE 8a. What are the different names John calls the dragon in (Rev. 20:2)? Serpent of old, the devil, Satan.   b. What happens to Satan during the millennium? (v. 3) He is locked in the abyss and his evil is contained.

DISCUSSION GUIDE 9. What are the different theories about the millennium? a. Pre-millennial view – Christ will return before the millennium b. Post-millennial view – Christ will return after the millennium c. A-millennial view – The millennium is spiritual not literal

DISCUSSION GUIDE 10. Why is the a-millennial view more difficult to accept? (Rev. 20:4-5) John refers to a resurrection of those who were martyred during the tribulation, if the millennium is only spiritual when did this resurrection occur?

DISCUSSION GUIDE 11. What is the purpose of the millennial kingdom? a. It is the fulfillment of God’s promises to Israel and to Christ (See Ps. 2; Luke 1:30-33) b. It will be a world-wide display of God’s glory (See Rom. 8:19-22) c. It will be God’s final demonstration of the sinfulness of sin

The tribulation martyrs and the church as symbolized by the 24 Elders. DISCUSSION GUIDE 12. Who will be a part of the first resurrection? (v. 6) The tribulation martyrs and the church as symbolized by the 24 Elders.

DISCUSSION GUIDE 13. What takes place when the 1,000 year reign of Christ comes to an end? (vs. 7-8) Satan is released and will lead one last revolt and an attack on Israel.

DISCUSSION GUIDE 14. Who are Gog and Magog that John refers to in (v. 8)? Scholars have differences of opinion on this but it is certain that it refers to armies of evil that will be mobilized to reign terror on Israel but they will be wiped out by the power of God.

DISCUSSION GUIDE 15. What will happen to Satan and his followers? (vs. 9-10) They will be destroyed quickly and Satan will be cast into hell forever.

DISCUSSION GUIDE 16. Why will God allow Satan a time on earth after the millennium? To prove that even in a great situation man will still choose evil. A perfect environment will not produce a perfect heart.