The Development of Statistical Business Registers in Myanmar


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Presentation transcript:

The Development of Statistical Business Registers in Myanmar Khin Swe Latt Director Central Statistical Organization Myanmar December 1-2, 2016

Outline Myanmar Statistical System About CSO How CSO is producing Economic Statistics? History of Private Industrial Zone Surveys Last Industrial Zone Survey Cooperation with line Ministries Last Myanmar Business Survey Business Registration in Myanmar Nature of the BR Information Available Why we need Statistical Business Register in Myanmar?

Myanmar Statistical System Operating as a decentralized system with the Central Statistical Organization functioning at a national level. Conducting the major surveys and also producing general-purpose statistics such as Trade Statistics, Vital Statistics, Price Statistics , etc. The sector-specific surveys and administrative records production are also undertaken by some ministries by setting up their own planning and statistics departments Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Industry, Ministry of Conservation and Forestry, Ministry of Health , etc There are many other departments which have statistical units to meet their needs as well.

About CSO CSO closely deals with government agencies in 18 ministries to compile data and publish the following official statistics: (a) Statistical Yearbook (Annual) (b) Selected Monthly Economic Indicator (Monthly) (c) Agricultural Statistics (Once in 3 years) (d) Forestry Statistics (Once in 3 years) Livestock and Fisheries Statistics (Once in 3 years) Profile of Children and Women (Once in 3 years) Survey Conducted Regularly Household income and expenditure survey Private industrial establishment survey for industry zones Business Survey Nationwide Survey Conducted on ad-hoc basis Informal Sector Survey, Fertility and Mortality Survey, Price Survey, Private Industrial Survey and Rural Development Survey

How CSO is Producing Eco Statistics? CSO collects and compiles various kind of statistics by means of three different ways. conducting ad-hoc or regular surveys both regionally or nationally. collaborating with other departments. requesting data from concerned departments according to Statistical Authority Act 34 of 1952. The data is coming from administrative records. CSO compile production statistics , and services statistics from the respective Ministries especially from the administrative records. CSO also compile trade statistics and calculate CPI . CSO conducted Private Industrial Zones Survey and Business Survey. Then CSO publish them in Statistical Year Book , Selected Monthly Economic Indicator,

History of Industrial Zone Surveys Private Industrial Survey was conducted at national level since 1954 by using multi-Stage Survey. Again in 1975, CSO used Post Mail to collect private industrial survey but the response rate was only 65%. In 2003 and 2006, CSO conducted by using the complete enumeration method to collect private industrial survey for all the industrial zones and used random sampling to collect 10% of the businesses outside of the industrial zone. 2009, 2010 , 2011 and 2012 , 2014 and 2015 were the years CSO conducted private industrial surveys by using the complete enumeration method to collect from all the industrial zones in Myanmar.

Collected Number of Businesses No Year of Surveys No of Business Zone Non Zone Total 1 2002-03 6830 81695 88525 2 2005-06 6862 106325 113187 3 2007-08 7122 4 2008-09 6912 5 2009-2010 6794 6 2010-11 6328 6382 7 2012-13 7444 8 2013-14 6930 Myanmar Private Industrial Zone Surveys

Last Industrial Zone Survey Myanmar Private Industrial Zone Surveys 2013-14 Objective : to analyze the private industrial zones development in order to support their needs, to identify the products which could be substituted from importing and to inform national accounts Implemented Agency : CSO Sampling Method : Complete Enumeration Reference period : April 1, 2013 – March 31, 2014 Collect data : businesses’ income, expenses, inventories, assets, electricity and other fuels usage, employees’ education and skills, ownership, needs for value added production, etc. Data Processing : MS Access Geographical coverage of the survey was the all industrial zones in Myanmar. Sectoral coverage: All activities included in ISIC rev 4 divisions from C was covered

Cooperation with line Ministries Cooperating / supporting institutions and organizations were: Ministry of Industry: Support for the implementation of the Surveys by providing with the use of its administrative records. Industrial Zone Management Committee : Help with field applications. Ministry of Home Affairs : Having been commissioned as the head of the administration in each township and cooperated to achieve success in field operation.

Last Business Survey Myanmar Business Survey 2015 Objective : To inform national accounts Implemented Agency : CSO and Planning Department(PD), Support from UNDP and ISTAT Coverage : Entire country, all states and regions Sampling Method : Stratified Random Sampling Design Sample Size : 14331 Reference period : April 1, 2014 – March 31, 2015 Collect data on businesses’ income, expenses, inventories, assets, etc. Annual repetition is planned. Activities included Manufacturing, Trade and Services were covered

Business Registration in Myanmar

Main Responsible Government Agencies for Business Register in Myanmar No. Organization Role Available data 1. Directorate of Investment and Company Administration (DICA) Relevant Agency List of Registered Companies in DICA 2. City Development Committees (CDCs)/ Township Development Committees List of Establishments applying for license at CDCs 3. Directorate of Industrial Supervision and Inspection (DISI) List of Registered Industrial Enterprises 4. Other relevant agencies (i.e., Ministry of Hotels and Tourism, Ministry of Health etc.,) Relevant Agencies Lists of Establishments applying for license under respective Ministries

Information Available DICA CDCs DISI Other relevant agencies (i.e., Ministry of Hotels and Tourism, Ministry of Health etc.,) Private Industrial Zone Surveys, Business Survey, Small and Medium Enterprise Survey (plan)

Why we need SBR? Diverse business registration according to type of industries Diverse licensing agencies Unable to use industrial classification Not familiar with tax ID Difficult to get survey frame lists for all type of industries

Thank You