Objective To share and discuss ideas to develop speaking in MFL classrooms ... Resources to present and teach key language Strategies to encourage students.


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Presentation transcript:

Objective To share and discuss ideas to develop speaking in MFL classrooms ... Resources to present and teach key language Strategies to encourage students to use tenses and extend ideas Strategies to help students revise for speaking exams

Speaking Mats

Chatty mat: GCSE Photo cards To start off: En la imagen… In the image En la foto… In the photo hay… There is/are En la imagen In the image veo… I see Se puede ver… You can see La foto muestra… The photo shows… Be specific! En primer plano… In the foreground En segundo plano… In the background A la izquierda… to the left A la derecha… to the right Cerca de.. close to En frente de.. In front of Al lado de… next to What’s there? Un hombre/una mujer a man/woman Dos personas some people Muchas personas lots of people Unos edificios some buildings Unos arboles some trees Una escena… a scene of Opinion phrases Pienso que… I think that Creo que… Imagino que… I imagine that… Supongo que… I suppose that… Yo diría que… I would say that Me parece que.. It seems to me that.. Me recuerda a… It reminds me of… Describing people El/ella parece… he/she seems… Ellos/ellas parecen… they seem.. Contento/a (s) happy Triste(s) sad Cansado/a(s) tired enfadado/a(s) angry What are they doing? El/ella está He/she is… Ellos/ ellas están They are… Hablando (talking), sonriendo(smiling), riendose (laughing), discutiendo (arguing), andando (walking), trabajando (working), jugando (playing), comiendo (eating), bebiendo (drinking), Haciendo (doing), viendo (watching) Weather Hace sol it’s sunny Hace buen tiempo it’s nice weather Hace mal tiempo It’s bad weather Llueve it’s raining Hace viento it’s windy Do you like it? Me gusta/me encanta la foto es (it is…) e.g. Bonita (beautiful) porque no me gusta /odio la foto está llena de… (it is full of)e.g. color (colour)

Chatty mat: GCSE Photo cards To start off: Dans l’image … In the image Dans la photo… In the photo Il y a… There is/ are Je vois… I see Je peux voir… You can see La photo montre… The photo shows… Be specific! Au premier plan… In the foreground Au deuxième plan… In the background À gauche… to the left À droite… to the right Près de.. close to Devant.. In front of What’s there? Un homme/une femme a man/woman Des personnes some people Beaucoup de personnes lots of people Des édifices some buildings Des arbres some trees Une scène de… a scene of Opinion phrases Je crois que… I think that Je pense que… I think that… J’imagine que… I imagine that… Je suppose que… I suppose that… Je dirais que… I would say that Il me semble que.. It seems to me that.. Cela me rappelle… It reminds me of… Describing people Il/elle a l’air … he/she seems… Ils/elles ont l’air… they seem.. Content(e)(s) happy Triste(s) sad Fatigué(e)(s) tired Énervé(e)(s) angry What are they doing? Il/elle est en train de He/she is… Ils/elles sont en train de They are… parler (talking), sourire (smiling), rire (laughing), se disputer (arguing), marcher (walking), travailler (working), jouer (playing) Weather Il y a du soleil it’s sunny Il fait beau it’s nice weather Il fait mauvais It’s bad weather Il pleut it’s raining Il y a du vent it’s windy Do you like it? J’aime/j’adore la photo parce que c’est (it is…) e.g. beau (beautiful) Je n’aime pas/je déteste la photo car c’est plein de… (it is full of) e.g. couleur (colour)

Q & A – Key Structures

Picture Card Structures

Key principles Use them frequently Laminate Colourful Student copy Keep same headings Transfer key language (tenses, connectives, adjectives etc.) Not too many words! Remove support slowly Make sure they are understood

Discussion How do you present / teach key language for speaking?

Speaking Activities

Learning Strips Write in examples Pass them to your partner Thinking time Use all of the examples in sentences (you may add extra words/ideas) Tweak Change the tenses Give students the examples Give students a topic Get students to choose the topic Ban certain verbs / words (play, good etc.) Get students to write down the answers Swap written answers and mark each others

Speaking Frameworks - Easy Pair work activity Ping-Pong Memory Game 1 sentence per person How many different sentences in 2 minutes? Change the tense

Dice Game 1

Speaking Frameworks – More Complex

Simple Dice activity – Q & A What do you like doing on the internet? What don’t you like doing Online? What would life be like without technology / the internet / your mobile phone? Could you live without technology / the internet / your mobile phone? What would you have without technology? What would you do without technology?

Whole Class Game – QOS 1. With questions 2.With pictures

Learning Grids Any 36 prompts (questions, pictures, English prompts, Target Language prompts) Model with whole class Students in pairs / small groups Time limit (How many can you do in ___ minutes)

Learning grids – 3 tenses

Learning grids – 3 tenses

Noughts and Crosses - Tenses Whole class and pair game 3 sentences per square (present, past, future) With or without support Infinitives in English or target language Time phrases instead of infinitives Use it with pictures (GCSE pic cards) Use it with role-play prompts Use it with conversation questions

Noughts and Crosses - Pictures At least 3 sentences You choose the language! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Noughts and Crosses - Questions Kommst du gut mit deinen Eltern aus? Was machst du mit der Familie? Was hast du letztes Wochenende mit der Familie gemacht? 1 2 3 Beschreibe dein idealer Partner/ deine ideale Partnerin Was wirst du nächstes Wochenende mit der Familie machen? Mit wem kommst du nicht gut aus? 4 5 6 Wie ist die Atmosphäre zu Hause? Möchtest du heiraten? Möchtest du Kinder haben? 7 8 9

Connect 3 with pictures Whole class and pair game Start at the bottom and work up 3 in a row to win With or without support Use it with role-play prompts Use it with conversation questions

Snakes and Ladders First to 100 wins Go up the ladders Go down the snakes Say the sentence in the target language Correct - stay where you are Wrong - go back to where you were on your last go

How do you develop speaking in your classroom?

GCSE Speaking Exams Practise and revision

Assessment and revision - Speaking Booklets 1 per topic 2-4 role-play cards 2-4 picture cards 10 conversation questions Support Exampro

Lists for paired testing (Role-plays) Prompts on the left Suggested answers on the right Fold sheet Students test each other Set time limit

Photo Cards – Paired resource

Revision Cards – Conversation Questions Flashcards with revision notes Good for … 1. revising short answers 2. paired testing 3. independent revision 3 different revision methods Students must find out which method works best for them

1. Key Words

2. Gap Fill

3. Initial Letters

Speaking Revision - Discussion What have you trialled with year 10? What worked? What didn’t!