The body’s responses to Training/Exercise
Training Cardiovascular fitness is how well the body is able to USE oxygen. This has four stages : 1. how FAST you can breathe oxygen in to your lungs 2. how FAST you can transport oxygen to the muscles 3. how WELL your body USES it to provide energy to the muscles. 4. How quickly you recover from exercise
Types of Training There are two main types of training to improve cardiovascular fitness. Continuous training – exercise for 20 minutes or more, 65 – 85% of max. heart rate, 3-4 times per week. Interval training – exercise at 85 – 100% effort, with longer intervals to recover. E.g. circuit training
Changes to your body through training As your cardiovascular fitness improves, your 1. heart gets stronger 2. heart gets bigger 3. muscles take in oxygen better from the blood 4. muscles get better at using the oxygen
Changes to our body due to training Short term changes – these are things that happen as soon as we start to exercise and stop when we stop exercising Long term changes – these are more permanent changes to our bodies, that happen over time
Short term changes
Activity – Taking breathing rate Normal/resting breathing rate – 12-20 breaths per minute In 15 seconds count how many times your chest rises Multiple this number by 4 to get the answer How do you think this would change with exercise???
Activity – Taking Heart Rate Normal/resting heart – 70 beats per minute To measure HR put 2 fingers on the neck (carotid pulse) count how many beats in 10 seconds x 6 =??? Take resting Heart rate Perform 10 step ups on your chair Take heart rate directly after exercise Take heart rate 1 after exercise What has happened to your heart rate??
Long term changes
Example – long term changes Who is the famous athlete on the right?
Look at him now!