Surdeep Enterprises Division of ICRC, [Promotion People] 25 Years Experience In Ensuring Brand Communication At POP
IT COST’S MORE BUT IT PAY’S MORE THAN IT’S COST OBJECTIVE BRANDING NO RENT High Visibility Long Lasting Purposeful act of Deciding
Our Learning Of Branding We Host Branding Activities That Define And Deliver A Purchasing Experience And CREATE:- “First moment of truth” To Know More About Branding Happenings In Outlets & The Market And To React Towards In Time With Aggressive & Focused Manner Which Will Contribute Towards The Additional Growth. Through Tailor Made Focused Outlet Branding. Creative And Outstanding Merchandising Template. Customize Branding @ Selling And Non Selling Outlets . Customize Branding At Market Places.
Our Basic Thumb Rule SELECTION = Customized with Ideal Height & Width. MATERIAL = Customized with Class. LOOK = Nit & Clean, Slick, Polish ,Unique LOGO = Face of a Company/Brand TAGLINE = Personality & Attitude, Conveying a Feeling.
Footprint – span of control Main Offices Main Office : Chembur Operation Office: Chembur & Pune Associates Offices Across India DEDICATED TEAM WITH CONSTANT TRAINING .
Design>Mis >Account. Designers @ Work MIS & Accounts
Production Unit 4000 sq feet Fabrication, Powder Coating & Spray Painting Fabrication Spray Painting Powder Coating
Printing & Lamination Flex Printing Machine Vinyl Printing Machine Cold Lamination Machine
Mobile Equipped Team Well Equipped Van Well Trained People Follow Safety Measures
Customized Branding Dealer Board Pillars Branding Counter Branding (Star Flex With MS Frame) Pillars Branding (Eco Vinyl + Lam + 3mm Sunboard) Counter Branding (Eco Vinyl + Lam + 3mm Sunboard) ACP Board With Acrylic Letters & LED
Outlet Branding (Wall, Glass & Counter Branding) Glass Branding (One Way Vision) Wall Branding (Eco Vinyl + Lam + 3mm Sunboard) Counter Branding (Eco Vinyl + Lam + 3mm Sunboard)
(Star Backlit Flex with Signages Dome Board (Thermoforming Dome With LED) Glow Sign (Star Backlit Flex with Branded Light Fittings inside box) Neon Sign Flange Lollypop Sandwich
High End Brand
High end brand
Outlet Ownership
Selling & Non Selling Outlet Branding
Rurban Branding
Ambuja Cement
Wall Media Innovation On Wall Painting
ICRC Tech Initiatives Advantages : Enhance Operational Productivity Sustainable Performance Measureable Real Time Information Effective Rapid Decision Making ICRC The Promotion people Maximize reach - Android, - Web portal
Few Miles Stones 4.5 lacs (0.45 Millions) 96,000 man-days of outlets merchandised by merchandisers for 11 brands Have done 131 – no of vans, activities for 32 brands and covered 12,464 villages Rurban /Urban /Rural Branding West/South/East/North 4000 Towns 12500 Outlets 40 Towns 2500 Outlets 4000 villages 12000 outlets 2.75 lacs (0.27 Millions) Sq ft of Dealer Board made and installed for Top 8 Brands in India (FMCG) Rural Wall Painting 10 Brands 200000 Villages 1.5 Cr.Sq Feet 96,000 man-days of In-shop activities across 236 towns in 7 states 1.26 crs (12.6 Millions) House hold touched via House to House activity across 147 towns in West India 1.15 lac micro rural outlet air visibility drive of 5 brands with in 90 days @ 12 states 10.22 lacs (1.02 Millions) Sq ft of Retail Space branding done Pan India
Client List
Perseverance is Our religion STRONG BELIVE IN GROUND REALITY THANK U Pune:- 1, Jayanand Complex, 1st Floor 569/A Narayan Peth, Near Kesari Wada, MS INDIA, Pune - 411 030. Phone No. : 020 – 24472461. WEB SITE: Mumbai :- 1st Floor, PRAKASH KUNJ OPP. VODAFONE GALLERY, BEHIND NEXT SHOWROOM, CHEMBUR, MUMBAI - 71. PRINTING House:- 35/A/1-2 ERANDWANA OPP. SATYAM ESTATE PUNE,411038, Phone No. : 020-25445095 PRODUCTION HOUSE 323,WARJE MALWADI,INDUSTRIAL ESTATE , DANGAT PATIL NAGAR WARJE NAKA ,PUNE - 26