How to Ace Your Math Finals December 06, 2016 Edwin Cruz Black Collegians/Adelante Programs
Agenda Organization/Notetaking skills Preparing for finals (studying) Before the Exam During the Exam Resources
Organization/Notetaking Skills Taking good notes and being organized is key to academic success, especially in math! These are skills that can be learned along the way. Preparing a math binder or math notebook/folder is essential to math success!
Organization/Notetaking Skills Several reasons why developing an effective technique for note-taking is important: Prevents forgetting: our memory fades quickly. After listening to a lecture, or reading over material, research shows that we forget 50% of what we hear within an hour and more than 70% within two days. Encourages concentration: taking effective notes requires a student to be mentally active during a lecture or while reading. Given that the mind is occupied with a demanding task, there is less opportunity for the mind to wander. Records testable material: tests are based on key ideas teachers emphasize in their lectures and written material that supports key concepts or themes.
Preparing for Finals Study early and without distractions. Choose an environment with minimal distractions. Do not wait until the last minute to study for an exam! Create a studying schedule or checklist. Set studying goals and plan for rewards.
Preparing for Finals Review your worked-out homework, quizzes, and previous exams. Be sure you understand any errors that you made. Seek help with any concepts that are still unclear. For further review, work out the relevant exercises in the Chapter Review. Seek additional help. If time permits, ask your professor if there are additional materials to help you review. Attend any review sessions conducted by your professor. And remember: there is always tutoring in the Counseling Complex.
Before the Exam Get a good sleep the night before the exam. Bring everything you need to the exam (pencils, erasers, scratch paper, calculator, water). Have a good breakfast that balances protein, carbohydrates, and fruit. Just before the exam, briefly review the relevant material in the chapter summary.
During the Exam Select a desk that minimizes distractions and puts you in the right frame of mind. Survey the entire exam quickly to get an idea of its length. Read the directions to each problem carefully. Make sure that you have answered the specific question asked. Work easy problems first. Return to the hard problems afterwards. Doing the easy problems first will build your confidence.
During the Exam Attempt every problem. Write something down, anything, even if it is a formula that you think might solve a problem or a possible idea or procedure for solving the problem. Work carefully. Show your step-by-step solutions neatly. Check your work and answers. Watch the time. Pace yourself and be aware of when half the time is up. Never turn in a test early! Use every available minute you are given for the test.
Resources Counseling Complex Mon – Fri, 9am-5pm 2. Math Lab Mon – Thurs, 8am – 10pm Fri, 8am – 4pm
Resources 3. Cayton Center Mon – Thurs, 7am-9:45pm Fri, 7am – 5pm Sat, 8am – 4pm 4. SMC Library Mon – Thurs, 8am – 9:45pm Fri, 8am – 3:45pm Sat, 11am – 3:45pm
Resources Coffee shops open late or 24 hours: Tom N Toms Urth Café Café 212 Pier Insomnia Café Crave Café Caffe Bene
How to Ace Your Math Finals December 06, 2016 Edwin Cruz Black Collegians/Adelante Programs