IEEE 802.21 MEDIA INDEPENDENT HANDOVER DCN:21-06-0489-00-0000-MIH_Neighbor_Information Title: Neighbor Information Considerations in Heterogeneous Handovers Date Submitted: January 2006 Presented at IEEE 802.21 session #12 at Hawaii Authors or Source(s): Xiaoyu Liu, Samsung AIT Abstract: This is a presentation on how to deal with Neighbor Information issues in Handovers across Heterogeneous Networks
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Neighbor Information Considerations in MIH January 2006 Neighbor Information Considerations in MIH Presenter Xiaoyu Liu
Agenda Introduction Basic Issues of Neighbor Information January 2006 Agenda Introduction Basic Issues of Neighbor Information Key Components in Std. A Case Study of MIH Neighbor Issues Conclusion Xiaoyu Liu
References 802.21 MIH Media Specific Neighbors Draft P802-21-D00-04 January 2006 References 802.21 MIH Draft P802-21-D00-04 21-05-0401-03-0000-IE_TLV_Representation.doc Media Specific Neighbors 802.11k Neighbor Reports 802.16e Cellular Networks Xiaoyu Liu
Basic Issues for MIH Neighbor Information January 2006 Basic Issues for MIH Neighbor Information [1-1] From the perspective of a terminal, how to get the heterogeneous neighbor information? A mechanism for POS to provide the neighbor information Assume that neighbor information is already available in the network [1-2] From the perspective of a network, how to get the heterogeneous neighbor information? A mechanism for POS to collect or update the neighbor information To meet the assumption of [1-1] Xiaoyu Liu
Key Components in Std. regarding MIH Neighbor Information January 2006 Key Components in Std. regarding MIH Neighbor Information [2-1] Neighbor Report Information Element contained in the Neighbor Report [2-2] Primitives of the related SAPs [2-3] MIH Protocol Messages and related formats exchanged between terminal and the network Xiaoyu Liu
MIIS and Neighbor Information January 2006 MIIS and Neighbor Information Relationship between MIIS and Neighbor Information Neighbor information could be obtained from MIIS services. MIH Neighbor Report may consist of the IEs defined in MIIS. Similar to MIIS IEs, the MIH Neighbor Information may be classified into: Neighbor Information regarding General Network Information Neighbor Information regarding Access Network Specific Information Neighbor information regarding POA Specific Information Note: Section 6.3.1 (D00-04 ) mentioned ‘neighbor reports’, ‘neighbor maps’, ‘neighboring …’, ‘neighbor information’, etc., but does not have a ‘explicit’ concept for MIH neighbor information/reports. A particular bullets to introduce a concept about the MIH Neighbor Information (or MIH Neighbor Graph) might be helpful. Xiaoyu Liu
A Case Study of Issue [1-1] January 2006 A Case Study of Issue [1-1] Assumptions A client in WLAN access network is interested in getting neighbor information of heterogeneous networks, WMAN and UMTS in this example. POS in the WLAN access network maintains the neighbor information and may derive the neighbor understands that which BS in WMAN and UMTSA are the neighbors of the WLAN AP to which the client currently connected. The following steps are based on the D00-04 and contribution (21-05-0401-03-0000). Step [1-1-a] L3MP in a terminal issues a request to MIH in the terminal for the MIH Neighbor Information Solution: A primitive in MIH_SAP setting appropriate QueryFilter and QueryParameters; MIH Get Information.request may do this work. Note: No definition for the primitive MIH_Get_Information in Table 8 (entry 23) in D00-04 Xiaoyu Liu
A Case Study of Issue [1-1] January 2006 A Case Study of Issue [1-1] Step [1-1-b] MIH in a terminal issues a request to MAC or IP in a terminal for MIH Neighbor Information Solution: MIH_Information.request setting appropriate QueryFilter and QueryParameters Note: is not consistent with the flow chart in 6.3.5. The description in ‘this primitive is generated by a "NETWORK" L3MP…’ is not correct. If the primitive is sent to MAC, it may not be appropriate to classify it to ‘MIH_SAP’ which is between MIH and L3MP. Step [1-1-c] MAC or IP generates Information Request Frame and transport from the terminal to network Solution: Information Request in 4.1/4.2/4.3 (21-05-0401-03) may do this work. Information Request should be part of 8.4.5 MIH Message Data. The related part in the MIH protocol should also be specified. Xiaoyu Liu
A Case Study of Issue [1-1] January 2006 A Case Study of Issue [1-1] Step [1-1-d] Peer MIH in the network receive ‘indication’ from MAC or IP for MIH Neighbor Information request Note: MIH_Information.indication is not shown in D00-04 Step [1-1-e] Peer MIH in the network issues a response to MAC or IP in the network to respond to the request for MIH Neighbor Information Solution: MIH_Information.response with MIH_REPORT which may contain the Neighbor Information MIH_REPORT is not specified in D00-04. Step [1-1-f] MAC or IP in the network generates Information Response Frame and transport from the network back to the terminal Solution: Information Response in 4.1/4.2/4.3 (21-05-0401-03) may do this work. The Information Response should be part of 8.4.5 MIH Message Data. The related part in the MIH protocol should also be specified. Should make MIH_REPORT and Information Response consistent. Xiaoyu Liu
A Case Study of Issue [1-1] January 2006 A Case Study of Issue [1-1] Step [1-1-g] MIH in the terminal receive ‘confirmation’ from MAC or IP for MIH Neighbor Information Note: MIH_Information.confirmation is not shown in D00-04 Step [1-1-h] MIH in the terminal issues a response to L3MP in the terminal to for the retrieved MIH Neighbor Information Solution: MIH Get Information.response may do this work. Note: No definition for the primitive MIH_Get_Information in Table 8 (entry 23) in D00-04 Summary of the Proposals for Issue [1-1] Primitives MIH-SAP: MIH Get Information.request/response MIH-SAP: MIH_Information.request/response/indication/confirmation MIH Protocol Information Request/Response Frames Neighbor Report MIH_REPORT IEs: MIIS IEs Xiaoyu Liu
Neighbor Information Issue [1-2] January 2006 Neighbor Information Issue [1-2] You may manually configure the MIIS Server and MIH Neighbor Information, but Heavy administrative load for a big heterogeneous network and … It is really difficult for 802.21 MIH to support a highly dynamic topology, for example Multi-Hop Relay or Client Mesh networks (although at current stage 802.21 MIH assumes the infra-structured networks). Above is the motivation for a mechanism for POS to collect or update the MIIS as well as the Neighbor Information. Possible Approaches Exchange MIIS/Neighborhood renew information within network (Reference Point R5/R4) whenever the topology changes, and/or Exchange MIIS/Neighborhood renew information between terminal and network (Reference Point R1/R2/R3). Related Components in Std Primitives MIH_SAP: MIH Renew Information.request/response MIH Protocol Information Renew Request/Response Frames Neighbor Report Renew Xiaoyu Liu
Other Considerations Static vs. Dynamic Neighbor information January 2006 Other Considerations Static vs. Dynamic Neighbor information Since the IEs defined in MIIS are static, i.e., if MIH Neighbor Report consists only the MIIS IEs, it would be static. Media Specific neighbor information may include some dynamic info. Primitives MIH Neighbor Information use the same set of primitives as MIIS or a different set of primitives? For example: MIH_Neighbor_Report.request Xiaoyu Liu
January 2006 Conclusion Neighbor information report is an important use case of MIIS during handover. By combination of QueryFilter and QueryParameters, Neighbor Information may be derived from the current mechanisms for MIIS, but mainly for static information Dedicated set of primitives for Neighbor Information is preferred. There are still some inconsistencies and missing things in the current draft. Dynamic update for MIIS server and Neighbor Information are suggested. Xiaoyu Liu
January 2006 Feedback? Xiaoyu Liu
Backup Slide: Neighbor Report in 802.11k January 2006 Backup Slide: Neighbor Report in 802.11k Information Element Neighbor Report Element Element ID Length Neighbor List {BSSID, BSSID Information, Channel Number, Regulatory Class, PHY Options, TSF Offset} Action Frames Neighbor Report Request frame Neighbor Report Response frame Primitives MLME-NEIGHBORREP.request MLME-NEIGHBORREP.confirm MLME-NEIGHBORREP.indication MLME-NEIGHBORREP.response Usage of Neighbor Report An overview of the basic mechanisms Xiaoyu Liu