Christine J. Briggs, Ph.D. University of Louisiana at Lafayette


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Presentation transcript:

Christine J. Briggs, Ph.D. University of Louisiana at Lafayette Twice-Exceptional Students: Finding their strengths and supporting their learning Christine J. Briggs, Ph.D. University of Louisiana at Lafayette


Categories of 2E Formally identified as gifted but not having an identified disability Formally identified as having a disability but not gifted ID Not formally identified as gifted or disabled – components mask on another – giftedness and the disability not readily apparent

Types of Twice-Exceptionality Gifted student with physical disabilities Gifted students with sensory disabilities GT and Asperger Syndrome GT with Emotional or behavioral disorders GT with ADHD GT and Learning Disabilities

Characteristics 2E with Learning Disabilities Struggle with basic skills – cognitive processing difficulties High Verbal ability with difficulty with written language Strong observational skills difficulty with memory skills Attention deficit problems but not in areas of interest Strong questioning but can be disrespectful when teacher answers the question Displays unusual imagination, generating ideas – sometimes “bizarre” ideas, divergent in thought Unwilling to take academic risks Uses humor to divert attention from school failure Needs scaffolding in deficit areas but highly independent in other areas = can appear stubborn and inflexible Sensitive regarding disability areas, highly critical of self and others May be perceived as a loner – doesn’t fit either GT or LD student - difficulty finding peers Very focused interests - passion about certain topics to the exclusion of others

2E Video Part 1 While viewing the first portion of the 2E video, consider the following: Who are 2E? What are the traits, characteristics and behaviors associated with 2E? Misunderstood behaviors such as dualities, asynchrony – Out of ”sync” with contradictory behaviors Environmental Supports

Post Viewing Part 1 Remediating Weaknesses Building on Strengths


Viewing 2E Video Part II

DEbriefing How feasible do you think the Bridges Model (enrichment and developing of talents) is for schools today? What can you do within your work setting to support 2E students? Why don’t schools pay as much attention to students’ strengths as they do their weaknesses? What might you do/have done as result of watching the film? How might you talk to parents regarding strengths and challenges for their student? How can you serve as an advocate for 2E students?

Who are 2E? Examples of successful individuals who are 2E Qualities of one who is 2E Gifted students with coexisting disabilities = Twice-exceptional or 2E Confusing to parents, teachers, and other support professionals Asynchrony – uneven development Jack Horner – world renowned paleontologist (consultant for Jurassic Park) – difficulty reading and writing = dyslexia Jim Carey – Actor and comedian (ADHD and depression since childhood) Picasso – could not read or write and refused to do anything but print Dr. Temple Grandin – Engineer who designed cattle yards – autistic

Famous 2E People #1 At the age of 12 was still unable to read Remained deficient in reading all of his life Could memorize entire lectures which was how he got through school Diagnosed with ADD Was a US Army officer best know for his leadership in WWII

George Patton

Famous 2E People #2 Was labeled as ‘slow” as a child Was fired from the Kansas City Newspaper for not being creative An American film producer, director, screen writer, voice actor, animator, entrepreneur, entertainer, international icon, and philanthropist

Walt Disney

Famous 2E People #3 A famous dyslexic female entertainer Had a math learning disability She has a challenge with remembering numbers and balancing a checkbook Referred to as “The Goddess of Pop” Has won an Academy Award, a Grammy Award, an Emmy Award, three Golden Globes and a Cannes Film Festival Award


Famous 2E People #4 Taught herself to read at the age of 4 Received no formal schooling but had tutors and learned mathematics from her father Had a diagnosed learning disability called dysgraphia Was unable to write legible work A British crime writer of novels, short stories and plays

Agatha Christie

Famous 2E people #5 Was academically disadvantages as a child Failed the 8th grade Did terrible in math and generally hated school A British Conservative politician and statesman known for his leadership of the UK during WWII He is the only British Prime Minister to have received a Nobel Prize for Literature

Winston CHurchill

Why they are overlooked Focus on what they cannot do Vs. What they can do Reframing to Positive Thinking Fixed Mindset Vs. Growth Mindset

Positive thinking FAIL END NO

Growth Vs. Fixed

10 Growth Mindset Statements Instead of: Try thinking: I’m not good at this I’m awesome at this I give up This is too hard I can’t make this any better I just can’t do math I made a mistake It’s good enough Plan “A” didn’t work What am I missing? I’m on the right track I’ll use some of the strategies we’ve learned This may take some time/effort I can always improve so I’ll keep trying I’m going to train my brain in math Mistakes help be to learn better Is it really my best work? Good thing the alphabet has 25 more letters.

Responsibilities of the Classroom Teacher Gather information to identify student needs and strengths. To fully understand student needs, it is important to use both formal and informal assessments ERNEST STORY Develop and implement Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) that include gifted and talented instruction. As appropriate for the individual student, an IEP can include provisions for advanced learner needs (such as enrichment) and/or additional professional development for the classroom teach Collaborate with other professionals in the district to better serve twice- exceptional students in the classroom • Explore avenues to meet individual student needs. Not all student needs are met in the general education classroom. Educators should consider referral for formal services, including special education and gifted and talented education programming, as well as access to other opportunities such as afterschool activities, clubs, independent study, and related arts programs.

Key Issues to consider in Serving 2E Students Accommodating Academic Strengths/Gifts Accommodating Academic Weaknesses/Disabilities Providing Direct Instruction to Support Classroom Success Addressing Social/Emotional Issues Addressing Behavioral Issues

Other resources The 2E newsletter The twice exceptional dilemma – Handbook published by National Education Association Supporting the Emotional Needs of the Gifted (SENG)


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