OPIATES Opiates are drugs that come from the opium poppy plant. They are an effective pain reliever when used according to the directions provided by a doctor. Abusing opiates dulls the senses, causes drowsiness, convulsions, coma and death. Opiate based drugs are HIGHLY ADDICTIVE.
Example/Fact of an Opiate Drug Oxycodone is a strong opiate. It is often referred to by the brand name Oxycontin®.
STIMULANTS Stimulants SPEED UP the Central Nervous System. The drug Cocaine is considered a stimulant. Cocaine is a white powder extracted from the leaves of the coca plant. Using cocaine is illegal. Regular use can lead to: depression, fatigue, paranoia, malnutrition and cardiac problems. STIMULANTS ACTIVITY (Cocaine)
LEGAL STIMULANTS Legal stimulants include: Coffee, tea, cola, and power drinks. “Energy” OR “Power” drinks often contain four to ten times the amount of caffeine as a regular-sized cola.
DEPRESSANTS Depressants are drugs that tend to slow the central nervous system and can have negative, sometimes deadly effects on your health. Depressants slow heart rates and lower blood pressure. The most COMMON depressant is alcohol.
Example of a Depressant Rohypnol is an example of a depressant. Rohypnol is also known as a “roofie” and is considered a “date-rape” drug. The drug is odorless, colorless and tasteless. It is sometimes put into a person’s drink without their knowledge. It’s illegal to give someone a drug without his or her knowledge. DEPRESSANT ACTIVITY (GHB and ROHYPNOL)
HALLUCINOGEN A hallucinogen alters someone’s mood, impairs judgement, thoughts and sense perception. Using these drugs can lead to heart and respiratory failure. The drug LSD is an example of a hallucinogen. The altered state caused by the hallucinogen can last several hours OR several days. The effects of these drugs are extremely unpredictable. Hallucinogens have no medical use. Users sometimes harm themselves physically, or behave violently and harm others. HALLUCINOGEN ACTIVITY
HOW DO DRUGS PRODUCE PLEASURE? Drugs of abuse flood the brain with dopamine, which helps to regulate a feeling of pleasure. Over time, the brain gets used to having all the extra dopamine around. As a result, the number of dopamine receptors in the brain starts to drop. Because of that, the abuser can’t feel pleasure without the huge flood of dopamine that only drugs can provide. What is dopamine? A neurotransmitter, a chemical responsible for sending messages between the brain and different nerve cells of the body. It has been identified as the body’s reward activator. Controls the pleasure center of the brain. DOPAMINE LINK “The Brain: Major Structures and Functions”
HOW DO DRUGS PRODUCE PLEASURE? The overstimulation causes feeling of euphoria. The effects are felt immediately and are much stronger and last longer than those from natural rewards. The powerful effects motivate people to continue taking drugs. The abuser eventually needs more of the drug just to get normal levels of dopamine. Long-term drug use leads to serious changes in neurons and brain circuits. WHAT WOULD BE SOME NATURAL REWARDS? LIST THEM ON THE BACK OF YOUR PAPER.
TASK!!! Use the attached piece of paper to outline how drugs produce pleasure. Look at #9, A-F. You can use pictures, words, symbols, or a combination to describe what happens to the brain when someone uses drugs.
TEST QUESTIONS TASK: You need a partner – YOUR CHOICE! Write 10 test questions related to the classification of drugs. You will have 20 minutes to complete this task. At the end of 20 minutes you will exchange your questions with another group. WHAT TYPE OF QUESTIONS SHOULD WE CREATE? 5 multiple choice OR matching 4 True/False 1 Short Answer question An answer key on a separate piece of paper!