System Maps and the Framework Agreements Tony Grapes Independent Consultant (UK) Working to CEP CEP/EC Framework Agreement Review Seminar Brussels 26th September 2017
What are SYSTEM MAPS?? Schematic flowcharts which describe probation within a particular jurisdiction Prototypes invented in the DOMICE Project (probation case management across Europe) 2010 – 2012 Upgrading began end 2015; different technology
Producing a System Map Extract from “Probation In Europe” chapter Create initial image Refine image from “Probation In Europe” Add in data from SPACE II; database of Alternative Sanctions and Measures; other web-based sources Edit Issue to PiE authors and/or other correspondents Re-edit Upload
What are SYSTEM MAPS?? Prototypes developed in the DOMICE Project (probation case management across Europe) 2010 – 2012 Schematic flowcharts which illustrate the probation arrangements within a particular jurisdiction Upgrading began end 2015; different technology 13 complete; 11 uploaded to CEP website Getting better the more we do
System Maps and the Framework Agreements ? ASSUMPTION 1 For those under probation supervision, starting the process to transfer supervision to another country requires the supervising officer to take an initiative/start the process?? ASSUMPTION 2 They are less likely to do so if they have no idea whether the other jurisdiction has anything like a probation service, or provisions anything like the home provisions? ASSUMPTION 3 The first place we would like supervising officers – all over Europe – to go for this information is the CEP? ASSUMPTION 4 “Probation In Europe” is not the best “tool” for this purpose; System Maps are quick, easy, colourful and interactive ? ? ?
and they’re fun!!!
Let’s have a Quick Look at a Couple????
Republic of IRELAND 10th November 2015 Front Screen - Introduction System Map Republic of IRELAND 10th November 2015 System Maps originate from the EU-funded DOMICE Project (2010-2012). They are flow charts which help you to understand and interrogate the probation system in each jurisdiction. There are two main screens for each jurisdiction. The first shows what probation does; the second how it is organised. They compliment the Probation in Europe Handbook and include much of the data from the relevant chapters. The aim is to provide an easily accessible summary of current probation arrangements to support case transfers and co-operative working Each map shows the probation system in 4 “domains” – 1: Pre-Trial Provisions; 2: Non-Custodial Options; 3: Immediate Custody and 4: Early Release. Almost all probation casework can be fitted into one of these 4 “domains” They are built using Microsoft PowerPoint. You can download and run the files, and even amend them for your own use. You cannot upload amended files. If you think one needs to be amended, please contact the e-mail address below With thanks to: Gerry McNally Assistant Director The Irish Probation Service To report amendments please contact Tony Grapes at
CEP System Map-Republic of Ireland 10th November 2015 1: Pre-Sentence 2: Non-Custodial Measures ? ? ? Breach Probation Supervision ? ? ? ? Interventions During Pre-trial Custody ? ? Community Service ? ? Electronic Monitoring in place of Custody ? Supervision under the Misuse of Drugs Act ? Reports to Assist with Sentencing ? ? ? ? Suspended Imprisonment With Supervision ? ? Pre-Sentence Diversion ? Suspended Imprisonment No Supervision ? ? Supervision During Deferment of Sentence ? ? ? Sentence Passed Breach ? 3: Immediate Custody 4: Early Release ? ? ? Electronic Monitoring ? Diversion from Trial or Sentence Immediate Custody Community Return ? Automatic Early Release without Supervision ? ? ? ? Life Sentence Conditional Early Release with Supervision (Parole) ? ? ? ? Population 4,580,000 Prisoners/100,000 88 Probation caseload 7406 No of Probation Officers 216 Probation Budget (2014) (€€) 37,295,000 Part Suspended Sentence Supervision ? ? ? Sex Offender Sentence Supervision ? ? ? Unsupervised release at full term ? A feature of this probation system; the probation service either runs it or contributes to it “Live” but delivered by an agency other than probation Common feature of probation NOT “live” here Judicial or Quasi-Judicial Decision Point Hidden Data Law and Regulation Other Information of Interest Xxx Xxx Xxx Xxx Hidden Data Metrics ? ? ?
The Irish Probation Service DEPARTMENT of JUSTICE and EQUALITY Public Accounts Committee Comptroller and Auditor General DJE Accounting Officer and Internal Audit The Irish Probation Service Director The Probation Service ? ? Deputy Director Corporate Services/Human Resources Deputy Director Operations Assistant Director Research, Standards, Quality Assurance, International Projects Statistician Regional Manager (6) Assistant Director Community Service; Prisoners Risk and Resettlement Dublin North and North East Dublin North and North East Dublin South and Wicklow Midlands and South East Regional Manager HR, Learning and Development Accountant 2 x Asst Principal 1 x Funded Projects 1 x Corporate Affairs Community Return Senior PO Probation Officers Community Service Supervisors (Dublin) Admin Team South West West/North-West and Westmeath ? Senior Probation Officers ? ? ? Probation Officers ? ? Young Persons Probation ? Community Service Supervisors ? Assessment Centre Hidden Data Law and Regulation Hidden Data Metrics Assessment Centre Hidden Data Other Information of Interest Xmnd Management Position Ymcxnd Operational Units ? ? ?
Schematic Map of the Probation System BELGIUM 14th November 2016 These diagrams are flow charts which help you to understand and interrogate the probation system in each jurisdiction. There are two main screens for each jurisdiction. The first shows what probation does; the second how it is organised. They compliment the Probation in Europe Handbook and include much of the data from the relevant chapters. The aim is to provide an easily accessible summary of current probation arrangements to support case transfers and co-operative working Each map shows the probation system in 4 “domains” – 1: Pre-Trial Provisions; 2: Non-Custodial Options; 3: Immediate Custody and 4: Early Release. Almost all probation casework can be fitted into one of these 4 “domains” . You can find more detailed information about each block by holding your mouse over the question-dots – pink ones are about laws and regulation; green ones about scale and metrics and yellow ones about other interesting information The Maps are built using Microsoft PowerPoint. You should open them in .ppsx mode, not .pptx mode. You can download and run the files, and even amend them for your own use. You cannot upload amended files. If you think one needs to be amended, please contact the e-mail address below With thanks to: Pedro Werner Vanhout Els Sneider Kristel Beyens Beyens To report amendments please contact Tony Grapes at
CEP System Map-BELGIUM 14th November 2016 1: Pre-Sentence 2: Non-Custodial Measures Breach ? ? ? ? ? ? Conditional Sentence (Probation Order/Supervision) ? ? ? Interventions During Pre-trial Custody ? ? ? Probationary Suspended Sentence (Suspended Sentence with Probation Supervision) ? ? Electronic Monitoring in place of Pre-Trial Custody ? ? ? ? Work Penalty (Community Service) ? ? ? ? ? Conditional Suspension of Pre-Trial Custody ? ? ? ? Electronic Monitoring ? Reports to Assist with Sentencing ? ? ? Probation Penalty ? Penal Mediation ? ? Sentence Passed Breach ? 3: Immediate Custody 4: Early Release ? ? ? ? ? Diversion from Trial or Sentence <6 months ? ? ? Electronic Monitoring ? ? ? Provisional Release ? ? >6 <12 months ? ? ? ? ? Population (January 2015) 11,100,000 Prisoners/100,000 (2014) 105 Probation caseload (2014) 51,900 No of Probation Officers (2013) 793 Probation Budget (2014) (€€) 77,000,000 >12<36 months ? ? Extended Supervision ? ? >36 months ? ? Electronic Monitoring ? ? Conditional Release (Parole) ? ? ? ? Life Sentence ? Unsupervised release at full term ? A feature of this probation system; the probation service either runs it or contributes to it “Live” but delivered by an agency other than probation Common feature of probation NOT “live” here Judicial or Quasi-Judicial Decision Point Hidden Data Law and Regulation Other Information of Interest Xxx Xxx Xxx Xxx Hidden Data Metrics ? ? ?
National Criminal Justice Legislation Houses of Justice Belgium National Government MINISTRY OF JUSTICE ? Belgian Court of Audit (Rekenhof/Court des Comptes) ? ? ? ? National Criminal Justice Legislation Government of the Flemish Speaking Community Government of the French Speaking Community Ministry of the German Speaking Community (Eastern Belgium) Department of Welfare, Public Health and the Family Investigating Judge ? ? Probation Commission ? Prison Governor ? Secretary General Director General Afdeling Justitiehuizen ? Administration Generale House of Justice (Eupen) Director House of Justice Director ? House of Justice Director x14 ? x13 ? Specialist Managers (Larger Houses Only) ? Justice Assistants ? Justice Assistants ? Justice Assistants ? ? ? ? Feedback on compliance and violation Feedback on compliance and violation Feedback on compliance and violation Feedback on compliance and violation ? Centre for Electronic Monitoring ? Dutch Community French/German Community Monitoring Mobile Admin Hidden Data Law and Regulation Hidden Data Metrics Hidden Data Other Information of Interest Xmnd Management Position Ymcxnd Operational Position ? ? ?
Next Phase Complete EU members states (end 2018?) Publicize better Re-locate on web site for easier access Non-EU European states (Norway, Switzerland, Serbia)? Sub-jurisdictions (Catalonia, Scotland, Germany[?]) Neighbouring states (e.g. Ukraine, Belarus) Succession planning Keeping it all up-to-date
Now wasn’t that fun??