Christchurch Earthquake Natural vs. Cultural Impacts
Create this table: The higher gravel plains west of CHCH Low-lying sandy areas close to the coast Hill Country How the natural landscape was changed by the earthquake Why these changes occurred Create this table:
Impact on Natural Environments- Gravelly Plains The alluvial (gravelly) plains to the west were the areas most affected by the Sept. 4th Earthquake. The Feb 22nd E.Q had little impact. The Greendale fault trace could be clearly seen from the air as a 29-30km line of cracks, tears and pressure ridges. -Land also one side of the fault was lifted 1-1.5m vertically. -The land also moved 4.5m horizontally -Changes that occurred: streams change course, trees fell over, GPS satellites showed the township of Rolleston had moved 3 metres closer to Darfield. -Shaking caused: new springs, changed water levels in wells, more silt in rivers and streams. Impact on Natural Environments- Gravelly Plains
Hill country- uplift and erosion After the Sept. 4th Earthquake there were small slips, landslides and river sedimentation. The largest earthquake was on the Kaikoura coast., where tonnes of rock and rubble spilled into the sea. Feb 22nd caused 1.5m of uplift along the north eastern side of Port Hills Large landslides and rock falls around Sumner and Redcliffs. Hill country- uplift and erosion
Sandy Environment of the eastern plains. Liquefaction makes sediment behave as liquids. They will flow towards low points like rivers or harbours. Sand, silt and water gushed up to the surface in Kaipoi and CHCH’s eastern suburbs (New Brighton, Avonside, Parklands, Burwood) Large holes appeared on previously flat surfaces, water tables rose, previously dry land turned into swaps. Sandy Environment of the eastern plains.
Turn all this information into a sketch map to show… How Canterbury's natural environment was changed by Sept 4th and its aftershocks. Add annotated notes to describe main changes. (Use table for reference)
Impact on Cultural Environments How the earthquakes affected Canterbury's people Some Christchurch residential areas were abandoned Deaths /Injuries Commercial buildings were damaged or destroyed Homes damaged or destroyed People lost personal possessions Workplaces were closed People lost jobs and income Transport facilities damaged Education facilities were closed Food warehouses damaged Many people left region Heritage buildings lost Impact on Cultural Environments
How to write an effective paragraph When writing an essay or answering an NCEA question you will use paragraphs. A good paragraph is STRUCTURED- it will contain a central idea, with the elaboration or explanation and examples. T I E Topic Information Examples How to write an effective paragraph
How the Canterbury earthquake/s affected the CULTURAL ENVIRONMENT. Using the information in the star diagram- 1. separate economic and social effects of the 2010-11 earthquakes 2. Using this as a guide- write paragraphs summarising- How the Canterbury earthquake/s affected the CULTURAL ENVIRONMENT. Paragraphs