Impact of the ECMT Quality Charter 8 June 2017 Skopje
ECMT Multilateral Quota Challenges
New Reality of the ECMT Multilateral Quota Road transport is crucial to economy: it carries most of the goods in Europe, its modal share is increasing worldwide But road transport is under criticism for: environmental impact safety concerns lack of equity in social /employment conditions Global freight tonne-km expected to rise 2–4 times by 2050 industry needs to meet the demand, for this : it should address the above concerns and create a positive image
New Reality of the ECMT Multilateral Quota Multilateral Quota has always been a symbol of high quality This should be maintained and developed further Next steps to address the challenges: Introduction of EURO VI safe lorries from 1 January 2014 and elimination of older categories Environmental impact Quality Charter for International Road Haulage Operations under the ECMT Multilateral Quota System
ECMT Quality Charter
ECMT Quality Charter Basic Provisions Equally high standards for all Member Countries participating in the System related to: Conditions of Establishment Good repute Financial Standing Professional competence / Manager and Driver training: The IRU Academy has a crucial role; support by the Transport Ministries / National competent authorities required Safety/ Employment conditions / Checks and penalties: - digital tachographs are mandatory in the ECMT Multilateral Quota System (AETR) The Quality Charter enters into force on 1 January 2016. The provisions set out in Chapters I to IV shall apply to all international road freight haulage operations carried out under the ECMT licences from 1 January 2018.
ECMT Quality Charter - Chapters Chapter I - Scope of application and definitions Chapter II - Provisions regarding transport undertakings using ECMT licences Section 4: Professional Competence (Road Transport Managers) Chapter III - Provisions regarding the drivers of vehicles carrying out international road haulage operations under ECMT licences Section 2: Driver Training Chapter IV - Provisions regarding checks and penalties Chapter V - Implementation of the provisions of the Charter
ECMT Quality Charter - Annexes Annex 1: Subjects for demonstrating professional competence Annex 2: Examination for determining professional competence Annex 3: Model certificates Annex 4: Minimum qualification and training requirements (drivers and training centres) Annex 5: Driver Qualification Card Annex 6: Checks on compliance with AETR Annex 7: List of infringements of AETR rules and their level of seriousness Appendix 1: Rules of Procedure for the Group on Road Transport (assessment of the Quality Charter compliance by member countries)
ECMT Quality Charter - Aim Achieve high quality road transport in Europe and create better harmonised conditions for more open international road transport markets Within the three years (2015-2018) the ITF (ECMT) Group on Road Transport shall: evaluate the extent of the implementation of the Quality Charter evaluate the extent of possible incitation mechanisms for the development of ECMT Multilateral Quota examine the opportunity and procedures for removal of reservations and restrictions based on the extent of implementation of the Quality Charter achieved by the member countries
Impact of the ECMT Quality Charter
Requirements of the ECMT Quality Charter Only EURO IV, V and VI trucks can be eligible for ECMT licences The vehicles have to be equipped with a digital tachograph All companies using ECMT licences should fulfil access to the profession criteria: good repute financial standing professional competence stable establishment Companies using ECMT licences need to have a manager, holder of the professional competence certificate and being of good repute. All drivers carrying out transport operations with an ECMT licence should be in possession of a certificate of professional competence.
Implementation of the ECMT Quality Charter
How to Easily Ensure Compliance?
Ensuring Compliance – CPC Manager Qualification
Ensuring Compliance – CPC Driver Qualification
Facilitating Compliance E S T O N I A L A T V I A L I T H U A N I A B E L A R U S P O L A N D S L O V A K I A U K R A I N E M O L D O V A R O M A N I A H U N G A R Y B U L G A R I A T U R K E Y G R E E C E A Z E R B A I J A N G E O R G I A ARMENIA T U R K M E N I S T A N U Z B E K I S T A N T A J I K I S T A N K I R G I S T A N K A Z A K H S T A N R U S S I A N F E D E R A T I O N F I N L A N D Russian Fed. A F G H A N I S T A N I R A N S Y R I A N A R A B P E O P L E ‘ S R E P U B L I C O F C H I N A CYPRUS A Z E R B. S W E D E N N O R W A Y D E N M A R K G E R M A N Y NETHERLANDS B E L G I U M U N I T E D I R E L A N D S P A I N PORTUGAL I T A L Y S W I T Z E R L A N D A U S T R I A K I N G D O M L U X . SLOVENIA C R O A T I A BOSNIA- HERZEGOVINA ALBANIA MKD F R A N C E M O R O C C O T U N I S I A C Z E C H R E P U B L I C R E P U B L I C L E B A N O N I S R A E L J O R D A N SERBIA MNE Albania CPC Driver Certificates CPC Manager Diplomas Czech Republic Moldova MoU / LoI Ukraine Georgia
Facilitating Compliance / IRU Solution – eXaminer I-QAS N-QAB eXaminer I-QAS – International Quality Assurance System. Global scope. The system that manages the IRU Academy Qualification programmes (training, examination and certification). N-QAB – National Qualification and Authorisation Body. The national competent body that will establish a national road transport professional qualification framework.
Facilitating Compliance / eXaminer Milestones Signature of MoU / LoI (IRU – MoT) Adoption of national legislation and implementing regulations / instructions (MoT) Establish and mandate N-QAB (MoT)
eXaminer Milestones ? LAS EAC
ECMT Quality Charter National Implementation in the SEE Region