Goodwill Keystone Area Our Mission and Services Transformation
Reverend Edgar Helms founded Goodwill in Boston, MA in 1902 Goodwill then… Reverend Edgar Helms founded Goodwill in Boston, MA in 1902
Goodwill now… 162 Community Based Organizations 3000 Stores Helped more than 312,000 find jobs 83% percent of revenues are channeled into job training and placement programs and other critical community services.
22 Counties in Pennsylvania 1444 Employees Adams Lycoming Berks Mifflin Bucks Montgomery Chester Montour Cumberland Northampton Dauphin Northumberland Franklin Perry Juniata, Schuylkill Lancaster Snyder Lebanon Union Lehigh York
Goodwill’s Mission: To support persons with disabilities and other barriers to independence in achieving their fullest potential as workers and members of the broader community
Wide range of services Assessment services Facility based/Community based training Job find and job support Benefits Counseling (WIPA) Project Search, Clubhouse
Wide range of populations People with IDD People with BH/MH Youth Vets, Seniors, People with Criminal Backgrounds and other barriers
2015/2016 Served 4104 individuals Helped 285 people find jobs in the community Helped 69% of people placed in 14/15 retain employment for at least one year
Our journey We started on this journey due to changes in the external landscape, but we took this opportunity to decide how to transform our service delivery system to become a premier provider of job and career services.
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services - CMS Changing Public Opinion ADA/ DOJ WIOA Governor’s Executive Order Employment First
Impact for GKA We received approximately $3.5 million in revenue from this funding source We served approximately 395 individuals in 4 settings that we believed would be deemed unallowable (11% of those we serve)- Harrisburg and Elizabethville, Allentown, Lancaster
Action Steps 14 - 15 Staff gathered data and started the formal discussion Senior Management and Board identified general direction Leadership Staff worked in 2 groups- evolution and revolution; white papers Used this info to plan 15/16, including budget
Action Steps 15 - 16 Began monthly updates to Mission Committee of the Board, quarterly to Board Engaged consultant, courtesy of one time funds Crystalized vision and plan with Board retreat in May
Action Steps 16 - 17 Developed communication plan Developed toolkit for staff Communication with stakeholders began Lead AE and other counties/SCO’s Our staff Parents and consumers (2 rounds) Other interested parties
Why How What Is the system changing Will the new system work Will Goodwills Vocational Program look like
Our path forward Build on and expand our history of providing Competitive Integrated Employment services: Transitional Employment Traditional Employment Services Customized Employment and Discovery
Our path (continued) GKA will no longer provide non-vocational programs GKA will no longer provide vocational programs that rely on special minimum wages (14c) or are segregated (facility based) Change will occur on or before 7/1/18
Support for Individuals We will help some move into Competitive Integrated Employment or in a program leading to CIE We will help some move to alternate programs/providers consistent with their life plans Some may retire consistent with their age and life plans
Plan for 17 - 18 Planning continues one person at a time Ending some programs on 12/31/17 and others by 6/30/18 Continuing to provide Transitional Work (now Small Group Employment) Growing Assessment services- Discovery, CBWA Growing Employment services- including Customized, Project Search, etc. Exploring other options that would lead to/support Employment
Key Elements Full Board/Leadership understanding and commitment Solid communication plan for all stakeholders, resources for staff Ending new enrollments to workshop Capacity building Prepare to “course correct” the details Stay the course toward your vision
Questions? Contact info: Susan Soderberg Senior VP of Mission Services Goodwill Keystone Area